Behind Blue Eyes: Chapter 6- Bunch of adults & an underage teen

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Chapter 6

Bunch of adults & an underage teen

♥♥♥ Amelia’s P.O.V♥♥♥

I was sitting reading through the pages of the Gilmore book fascinated. The Gilmore’s were sure fascinating, all of them, right down to the last one Michelle-Ane Gilmore. The Gilmore’s were a long line of psychics’ so to speak.

The only psychics’ ever to be known for it runs in the blood line and only dominates in the females of the line, but that ended with Michelle-Anne who died when she was twenty one years of age, no cause of death was recorded.

I gasped and jumped as I turned to see Damon sitting on the chair opposite me. “Oh my God, you seriously should not do that,” I said with my hand on my heart.

“Hello to you to Little Miss Bookworm," he smirked. "Any good?” Damon asked me peering over at the Gilmore book.

“Yeah, actually. Loads of help. The Gilmore’s were a long lines of psychics, so to speak. The only psychics ever. For it runs in the blood  of either parent but only dominates in the females  of the line. But as far as I can tell it all ended with Michelle-Ane who died when she was twenty one, no cause of death recorded,” I explained.

“Psychics? No such thing,” he said looking at me seriously.

“Yeah. That’s what you said about the werewolves,” I retorted with a slight smirk on my face. Suddenly I looked at my watch.

“Opps, gotta go. Sorry,” I smiled apologetically.

“Why?” he asked.

“Jenna’s barbeque, Elena will kill me if I don’t go,” I said putting the book into my bag.

“Don't worry, I will give you a lift,” he said getting up from his seat as did I. I raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m invited too,” he stated.

“You? Jenna hates you,” I laughed.

“Yeah, cue the peace offering,” he said lifting up a parcel thingy. I laughed as we walked out of the grill.


“Hey,” Damon said entering the kitchen of the Gilbert household.

“Hi Lena, Jenna, Ric, Mason,” I said smiling at them all whilst Elena looked at me with an eyebrow raised, slightly pissed.

“Damon,” Jenna said as her smile turned into a frown.

“We’re just doing shots, let me get you a shot glass buddy,” Alaric said.

“No! Here. Take mine,” Jenna said downing her shot as quickly as possible and giving her glass to Damon.

“Nice to see you Amy,” she said turning to me smiling.

“Nice to see you too Jenna,” I smiled back as she left the room. "Your peace offering didn't do you any justice Damon,"

"It will,"


“Dress, Ballerina!” Jenna shouted as Damon was drawing (badly I might add) a dog, with, with a pink thing?

“Puppy, puppy, puppy with a tutu!” I shouted out enthusiastically.

“No,” Damon said as he continued to draw.

“Hound dog!” Jenna shouted, boy she’s drunk.

“Dances with wolf,” Mason said from his chair.

“Mason wins, again,” Damon said.

“How is that a wolf?” Jenna asked.

“My two year old cousin can draw better than that!” I commented as Damon, Elena & Jenna went into the kitchen.

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