Behind Blue Eyes: Chapter 10- Stupid, eavesdropping vampire

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Chapter 10

Stupid, eavesdropping vampire

 ♥♥♥ Third Person P.O.V♥♥♥

Damon Salvatore opened the door to reveal a very pissed looking Amelia.“Back so soon Melia?” Damon asked the girl with his signature smirk making her intensify her death glare.

“Where’s Stef?” she asked, ignoring his comment.

“Why?” Damon asked her in the same tone.

“I need to tell him something,” Amelia explained pushing past the other Salvatore brother.

“Join the que,” Damon muttered under his breath, closing the door following Amelia into the sitting room.

“Hey Amy,” Caroline said too what she thought was her cousin as she entered.

“Hey Care, how you doing?” Amelia questioned plopping down onto the space next to Caroline on the sofa.

“Not good,” Caroline admitted glumly, looking as if she were about to cry.

“Oh Care,” Amelia said wrapping her arms around her, bringing her into a close hug. Damon Salvatore watched the two blondes embrace from his corner of the room taking a thoughtful sip of blood, trying to calm his hunger for the older one.

“What happened?” Stefan Salvatore asked Damon & Caroline, suddenly barging into the room, causing the blondes to break apart.

“Go ahead....................... tell him. You’re gonna love this,” Damon said first to Caroline, then to Stefan.

“I saw Katherine today,” Caroline admitted.

“What? Where?” Amelia asked, Amelia had never met the bitch which was Katherine, but from what she could gather, she was bad news.

“At the grill, I just stopped by to gawk and… quasi-stalk Matt. Then he asked me whether I wanted something so then I had to lie and tell him I needed the little girls room,” Caroline waffled on causing Damon to roll his eyes.

“Skip the teenage drama and get to it,” Damon urged the blond vampire.

“So then I had to pretend to use the bathroom, cause I’m a dufus. Then Katherine told me to deliver a message,” Caroline explained.

“What was the message?” Stefan asked intrigued.

“She said that she wants the moonstone, or she’ll rip this town apart until it rains blood, tonight at the masquerade ball,” Caroline told.

“Wait, what? The masquerade ball is tonight? Damn,” Amelia said, she hadn’t even realised the dates.

“She’s want’s to do it in public, killing Mason through her off guard,” Stefan said ignoring Amelia, causing her too stare at Damon through slanted eyes.

“She’s running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate!” Damon announced.

“And happened because of you,” Amelia mumbled under her breath, forgetting that vampires had super hearing.

“She’s outta tricks,” Damon said ignoring Amelia’s comment yet again.

“You can’t underestimate her. You have to play it smarter than her,” Amelia said causing both Salvatore’s to look impressed at her words of wisdom.

“Can’t you just give her the moonstone so she’ll leave?” Caroline asked naively.

“No. Katherine’s not getting dick. I’ve had it. I’m going to go to the masquerade ball and then I’m gonna kill her,” Damon said causing Amelia to raise an eyebrow at him.

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