"Apology accepted," she beamed.

"What time are you and Meg going?"

"Oh!" Fleurette exclaimed and jumped up. She ran past him and towards the desk where her frock coat sat thrown over the chair. Pulling it on, she quickly did up the white buttons on it. Straightening it out, she twirled on the spot to make sure nothing was tucked in where it shouldn't be. Reaching down she picked up the basket and placed the handle over her forearm. Running forward, she tiptoed and pressed her lips against his.

Quietly sighing as Erik's hand interlaced with her hair, he kept her in place for as long as possible. His obvious want to not let her go caused her to smile and giggle quietly. "Erik," she whispered managing to get the minimum amount of space between them. "I have to go."

"Be safe." He said quietly while gently kissing her one more time before letting her go.

"I shall." Fleurette smiled and readjusted her hair before stepping back from him. Starting to walk away, she stomped a foot and turned and walked back to him. Erik wrapped his arms around her tightly when she jumped slightly to wrap her arms around his neck. Humming, she tightened her grip around him. "I'll try and not be long." Stepping back she kissed him on the cheek and moved away, again.

"Oh!" Meg exclaimed for like the millionth time, Fleurette put down the apple she was turning in her hand. Looking over to Meg, she laughed. Her friend had found what seemed to be a silken scarf of a turquoise colour with flecks of darker blues and green.

"We're here for food, remember?" Fleurette reminded her, this didn't deter Meg from twirling with the scarf around her neck. She fluttered her eyelashes and continued to pose with it until the stall owner asked if she was going to buy it.

This caused Meg to look disheartened, "No." She gave the scarf back and shuffled over to Fleurette's side. "We barely have money for food. How on earth can we afford new clothes?" Meg looked down at her rather tatty looking dress.

It was true, by now both of them had been living, then reliving in the same dresses and shirts and coats since coming here. Cleaning their clothes involved dunking them in one of the baths which were in the theatre. What little soap they had, they tried to use to freshen the smell of the items of clothing. There was a fifty-fifty chance it this succeeding. More often than not they were left with soaking wet clothes which wouldn't dry for about two days.

Fleurette sighed and swung the basket from one hand to the other. "I know." She perked up and smiled at Meg. "But...at least once the first show is over and done with, we'll have money."

"That's true," Meg chimed and linked her arm with Fleurette's. "And then we can go and buy as many new dresses as we desire!" She sung and threw her other arm in the air gleefully.

Fleurette laughed. "Meg, I am not sure we'll have that much money. But I'm sure we could find something small to buy...like that scarf?" She laughed, Meg's eyes narrowed playfully, she even gave her a playful nudge which caused Fleurette to go teetering into a small girl and her mother. "I am so sorry!" She exclaimed and suffered narrowed eyed looks from the mother who hurriedly walked off.

Turning back to Meg, Fleurette narrowed her eyes. Five seconds later, Meg burst out laughing. "I am so sorry!" She mimicked while laughing and placing her hands over her stomach. "Oh, Fleur, you are too kind."

"Oh, be quiet, you!" Fleurette countered while nudging Meg on the shoulder, she went stumbling into a group of chatting men, Meg giggled childishly and looked them all over before side stepping beside Fleurette again. She looked confused over Meg's behaviour towards the four strangers.

Glass Skin (Discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now