Standing on the stage, Fleurette looked around the hall. It looked so different now that the dust sheets had been removed from the seats. Blinking and looking up as Erik walked past her, she turned and watched him. "You're slouching." He stated, it was Erik's idea to come up here to practice. Fleurette would have been happier downstairs, but apparently the acoustics weren't good enough. She had rolled her eyes at this, acoustics was just an excuse to venture up, and she knew it even if Erik didn't admit it. "How can a dancer have bad posture?"

"Hey!" Fleurette exclaimed. "You try being straight backed all the time!" She said while adding in a quiet 'hmph'. Erik walked back and stood in front of her. "What? I'm allowed to slouch now and again."

Erik sighed, shaking his head, he put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her out of her slouching. "Not when you're going to sing, remember?" Fleurette pouted at that obviousness. "I will hunt out a wooden ruler and place it against your back if you decide to slouch again." Erik threatened in a teasing tone, Fleurette looked up at him with wide eyes to try and figure out if he was being serious or not.

Coming to the decision that she actually rather wouldn't know, she smiled an innocent smile, entwined her hands in front of her and purposely straightened her shoulders. The last action caused Erik to roll his eyes, she did it on purpose and he knew it.

"From the top." Erik said while disappearing into the wings. Fleurette looked at him oddly before shaking her head slowly. Looking forwards again she let out a breath before starting to lowly sing the song which she was previously practising before being interrupted by the sudden proposition of moving came to light.

She gave a sudden flinch when there was warmth against her, and a finger went under her chin to lift her head up. "Stop looking down. Although I'm sure the floor would be flattered that you're singing to it." Erik commented yet he didn't move, neither did his finger.

Fleurette let out a huff and continued, she was partially ignoring Erik's sarcasm. When she had finished she rocked back on her heels and leaned against his chest. Looking over her shoulder she smiled, "So?"

"Almost perfect."

"Almost?" Fleurette asked while her eyebrow gave a twitch from annoyance. Of course her performance wouldn't be perfect, she knew that. But almost, who has ever describe a performance as almost perfect before?

Erik could pick up on Fleurette's minor annoyance, his finger trailed down from her chin. She gave an involuntary shudder, yet she moved her head so it leaned against his shoulder. Brushing some of her red curls through his fingers, Erik leaned his head against hers. Fleurette turned and looked at him, she smiled lightly before wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his chest. Fleurette seemed rather content standing and holding onto him. Erik often found himself a little struck by the simple things which amused the woman in front of him. Tightening his grip on her, he buried his face in her curls.

"Do you think everything will be ready in a weeks' time?" Fleurette asked quietly while tiptoeing up and taking to wrapping her arms around his neck. She let out a quiet giggle when Erik was able to simply lift her up so she wasn't straining. She often forgot how much taller he was to herself, let alone how strong he was to just carry her like she was nothing.

"I am sure things will be made ready, whether everyone likes it or not." Erik answered while easily reaching down and scooping Fleurette's leg from underneath her. She let out a startled noise while gripping onto him.

She knew he'd never drop her, but regardless, having her legs suddenly plucked from underneath her was an uneasy feeling. Letting out a quiet sigh, she took to running her fingers through his hair, absentmindedly she hummed, she smiled in her humming when she realised Erik had joined in.

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