Fleurette did debate whether this was enough money to buy this place which Madame Giry had found. She had been rather vague with descriptions really, she hadn't told them much. Not where it was, or how big it was. She wanted to get away from this part of the city. Knowing that she would most likely bump into Elsie again didn't sit well with her. The less confrontations like that the better.

Standing up and brushing herself quickly down, Fleurette walked out of the room. Rubbing her eyes, she turned the corner and walked up the stairs slowly.

"You look troubled." Erik's voice came from the end of the corridor. Turning and looking in his direction, Fleurette slowly shrugged and walked forwards. "How did it go? I could briefly hear Meg shouting from up here."

"We did good."

"Just good?" Erik looked at her a little confused. "Your enthusiasm for earning some money seems to have dwindled."

"It's not that," Fleurette frowned and crossed her arms. "I saw someone I used to work with."


"...Nothing." Fleurette shook her head. "There was nothing. I think she was confused the most, but apart from that, nothing."

"Perhaps that's for the best." Erik said slowly while turning and walking off again.

Fleurette thought over this while walking after him. "I would have thought she'd say something though, you know?"

"You mean you wanted her to ask you to come back?" Erik looked down at her briefly before opening a door and walking through.

"I think so."

"How confusing," Erik sat down at the rickety desk he'd previously found. He'd moved it from its original room into the one which Fleurette spent the most time in. Sitting down in the chair, he turned and looked at her. "First you seem more the happier for leaving considering they stole from you. Now that you get confronted by someone you barely knew, yet worked alongside briefly, you hoped they'd ask you back?" He shook his head. "Contradicting much?"

"Shh," Fleurette put a finger to her lips while walking past him and collapsing in the chair which had slowly become her bed. A decent night's sleep never came from it, but it was either this, a window seat, or trying to make a bed on the floor. The places to sleep were very limited.

"Is that your way of telling me to be quiet because I've spoken some ounce of truth. Or do you genuinely want to go to sleep?"

At this Fleurette opened her eyes and looked over at him. Erik just looked at her and awaited to see her answer. Fleurette settled back down in the chair and pulled the blanket more around herself. "Night, Erik." She said tiredly, he stood up from the chair and walked over. She'd only been sitting curled up for a few minutes but she was already asleep. Surely performing in a park couldn't have exhausted her that much?

Sitting leaning her head in her hands, Fleurette eyed up the streets beyond the grubby windows. The amount of people who were rushing around still amazed her. Half the time she pondered where they were going in such a rush. It had been about a month since arriving here. A month spent hiding away in an abandoned building, performing in parks just to get any money. The novelty of it all was starting to wear off. Sighing heavily, Fleurette watched the raindrops trail down the window pane. Even when it was raining the people of the city were still rushing around. Most people tend to slow down in the horrid wet weather, these people must have one destination they all needed to get to in such a rush.

"I can't find them." Erik stated while appearing soon beside her and sitting down on the window seat. Fleurette looked at him sidewards, Madame Giry and Meg had disappeared, neither of them knew where they'd gone to. Erik had suggested they go searching the building to see if they'd really gone out. Needless to say the rainy weather was effecting Fleurette and she seemed to have no intention whatsoever of moving.

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