Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Two AM on a Saturday morning. Not that weekends meant much to employees at the aquarium. Keikoyashi Shimitoa stared at his monitor in his downtown studio apartment. He was working on some finishing touches on a modified desktop environment for a Linux based system. It was only because his hacking days were over that he even allotted his time to such meager tasks. Project Far Reach had become far too important to risk on an alter ego that could land him in a federal penitentiary.

Keiko lived alone, with only his pet cat and his computers to keep him company. His apartment could be considered cramped and unruly to most people, but it was both refuge and laboratory to Keiko.

On the far end of his computer desk sat a can of red bull, dripping with fresh condensation. He reached out and plucked up the can and opened it. It looked as though he would be pulling another all-nighter, and alone again to top it off!

He held the can close to his nose, inhaling the fizzing vapors. Suddenly his phone vibrated on his desk. Keiko looked to see who it was. '1 new text message' He picked up his phone and went straight for his inbox. It was Eddy, but why the hell would Eddy be texting him this early in the morning? He knew damn well that his boss didn't wake up until at least seven.

'Please meet me at the office ASAP, it's important' The office? He wondered for a second if something had happened to one of the dolphins, but Keiko figured he would have mentioned something specific. Unless it was something that he couldn't talk about over the phone. Keiko moved his mouse up to the corner of the screen and clicked on save project. He then held down ctr-z and pressed i-8. Immediately the lights and computers in his apartment started turning off one by one. A small door opened and Keiko herded his unenthusiastic kitty into it's chamber and shut the door. He grabed his keys and phone and zipped out of the apartment. The front door closed and locked behind him automatically.

North Bound on Interstate Ten the road was deserted. Keiko's Rio was the only car on the highway. It looked like an alien planet illuminated only by orange globes dangling like glowing giant fruits ripe for the picking. He passed a lone cop car that sobered him slightly. What could it be, he thought, as he sipped on his red bull. The carbonated energy drink was having the desired effect: waking him back up to full alertness. He turned on his radio and rocked out to a Metallica marathon the rest of the way to the office.

When he got to the aquarium the parking lot was befittingly empty. In fact it was the first time Keiko could remember get a parking space so quickly. When he turned off his engine a creepy silence filled the parking lot. Gradually, the sounds of crickets and frogs could be heard in the distance. Not far from the park at all was a natural series of ponds, springs, and swamps. Weeks earlier in fact a wild alligator had come so close to the park that the security staff thought that one of their own animals had escaped. To make matters worse the large parking lot was not lit very well. Keiko imagined a worse case scenario of walking right into a lost alligator poised for attack in the darkness. The thought petrified him, still, he didn't turn back. He mustered up the courage and bolted for the admissions office.

After about a five minute run Keiko made it to the window, stopping for a second to catch his breath. To his surprise the window was empty. He scanned more noticing a hand written not taped to the inside of the window. 'Gone to lunch, be back in ten minutes' Keiko scratched his head and proceeded to the employee entrance and swiped his card. The light turned green and the door clicked. Keiko entered the building and made his way to the Cetacean Research Lab.

The place was deserted. No janitors, no security. Actually, it was the first time Keiko had been here this late. He thought of his hacking days. Things were exciting back then. Now the best excitement he could get was coming into the office early. It was pathetic. Keiko exited the admissions building and entered the aquarium courtyard. The many shops were deserted and boarded, an empty shell of daytime glory.

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