14 *conditions

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I knew that I was going through more pain.
I just thought it would've gotten better than it was 2 years ago.

When I was born with a condition that only effects 300 people around the world, I forgot the name because it's pretty long and hard to pronounce.

See, when anyone playfully hurts me, not meaning to properly hurt me at all, it's burns like hell, it just feels like I'd been punched in the stomach and it leaves a red mark wherever it hurt. And you don't want to know how properly being abused feels like.

My father took advantage of my condition and abused me hard everyday, causing me to one day be on the brink of death. But that was the day that I finally got to safety. But no one ever told the caseworkers in the orphanage about my issues, and I never told anyone, because I thought it had got better. But I wasn't.

When Brooklyn woke me up by throwing whatever she threw at me at my face, I woke up, terrified, I'm not sure what came over me but I felt like I did 2 years ago, in my 'home' with my 'father'.

I felt attacked and I felt like I was going to throw up, like I was in a plane that just had severe turbulence and I had just eaten that awful plane food. That awful.

I slowly got up, I felt really wobbly, and like I was about to be sick and faint. I held onto the side of the couch but managed to normally walk over to the kitchen and sit down, but I knew that I looked awful, because Brooklyn kept staring at me, I knew I didn't look healthy at all, but when the pancakes were in front of me, I ran into the bathroom and threw up and when I stopped, I started to cough up blood with Dan and Phil next to me, then I fainted.

I wasn't entirely sure what happened then, but I woke up on the couch and heard talking.

"What just happened?" Dan said, I could hear him pacing around the room.
"I'm sure it's just a one time thing Dan. People get sick." Phil said.
"Maybe, just pass me Em's adoption papers." Dan said, there was a short silence, probably of them finding the papers, and Dan reading them.

"History... Abuse, abandoning, eating disorders, self harm, slavery." Dan read, sounding shocked.

"Conditions: been traced of severe Paininosiouity." Dan tried to pronounce it but struggled. "Phil, what's pain-in-in-osi-ou-ity?" Dan asked Phil.

"I dunno. I'll google it." He replied. I heard Phil grabbing his computer and start to type it up.

"A rare condition that only effects 300 people worldwide, Paininosiouity is when the subject gets touched or playfully hit and red, burning marks start to arrive on the area where the person has been 'hurt'. People with the condition say that it hurts as much as a normal person being punched in the stomach or the face, hard.
Effects include, vomiting, sickness, fainting or looking faint, panic attacks, slight madness, depression, anxiety, feeling full of food after one hasn't eaten anything in days, not filtering words and more.
The condition can stop for weeks, months or even years but then immediately come back when the subject has just gotten over it, being hurt physically hard, effects the condition more and more, making it harder for the child/teen/adult to live, even if the abuse is no longer happening.
If you have this condition or you know someone who does and is suffering, contact a doctor immediately." Phil read.

"Oh my god!" Dan cried, I knew they were looking at me.
"We need to take her to the hospital." Phil said calmly.

"Phil, on her history it says that she's been abused! Been treated like a slave!" Dan shouted, "and it says here... "being hurt physically hard effects the condition more and more, making it harder for the child/teen/adult to live, even if the abuse is no longer happening." Dan cried, "I can't believe it!"

"Dan calm down, she'll be fine, just relax." Phil said, "we'll take her to the hospital, she'll be checked out, just to check that she has got this... Thing, and if she does, we don't have to worry because she'll be fine."

"Okay..." Dan sighed, and I guess that was my cue to finally 'wake up'. I yawned and sat up but held my stomach, I felt like shit. That was the only word that could describe how I was feeling. Shit.

"Hey sleepyhead. You alright?" Phil asked, walking over to me, I didn't nod, but I shook my head.
"Oh, well, today we're going to go out together okay?" Dan said.
"I know we're going to the hospital." I replied.

"You heard that sweetie?" Phil asked. I nodded.
"And your okay with it?" Dan asked, I nodded.
"Your a brave girl, Em..." He said, hugging me lightly.

"I think I can survive a hug, Dan." I laughed a little.
"Just making sure you're okay!" Dan said, smiling.

"I love you." Phil said, Dan nodded.
"I love you too..." I mumbled.

Uh huh. Emeralds got a thing that I just made up, *clapclap*
I wrote 2 chapters in one day
The next chapter will be up soon
since i've finally got good wifi

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