6 *stay away from me

911 22 50

*trigger warning,, self harm and a small mention of panic attacks and eating disorders*


Okay. No, I admit it, I was being a bitch talking about Emerald like that, and talking to Dan like that so after a couple of hours, I came back from May's again. I walked to the front door and walked in the apartment.

"Emerald! You're okay! I promise! Please get out from under there! We can help you!" I immediately heard Dan shout.
"No!!" I heard a girl scream, her voice cracking, she sounding like she was hyperventilating. My new sister. I quickly ran through the hallways and saw Emerald's door open ajar and carried on hearing shouts.

I opened it and saw Dan and Phil holding Emerald, she was crying with bleeding cuts down her arms. I put my hand on my mouth and ran over.
"Wha...what's wrong?" I asked. Phil was stroking Emeralds hair and rocking her, Dan looked up at me and carefully got Emerald on Phil's lap and stood up as Phil looked up at Dan but then down at Emerald to comfort her.

"How dare you leave like that! We didn't know where you were!" Dan hissed.
"I was just at May's! And I want to know what happened!" I protested.
"Emerald just had a little panic attack." Dan whispered to me so that Emerald couldn't hear.

"It doesn't look like a 'little' to me." I replied, looking over at her.
"She's just had a hard time, okay? She just got adopted today and she self-harms and I think she just had a bad thought about her past. Okay? Now I want to know what happened back there." Dan explained, before pulling me out the door and shutting it gently behind him, after that, he looked me in the eyes, waiting for a response.

"Why did you say all that stuff?" He eventually said, knowing that I wasn't going to start anything up.
"I was just jealous.." I mumbled, leaning in the wall and putting my foot up on it, but Dan immediately pushed it down.

"Of what? Her self harm? All kinds of abuse she's had?" He told me, I put my head in my hands and looked at him.
"No. Please stop making me feel worse than I already do." I started, "I... I dunno...I was just mad I guess... I'm sorry, I'm just..." I tried to say but didn't have a response lined up, he raised his eyebrows at me, I lightly shoved him.

"Dan. Stop it." I said, looking down, putting my head in my hands again, to my surprise, he put his arm around me.
"I know it's hard honey..." He said, kissing my cheek. "You just got a new sister without warning, your bound to have lots of mix emotions."

I was glad that he wasn't mad anymore but I still don't know how long these hatful feelings against Emerald will last...


Phil held me and rocked me as I leaned on his chest. I had another panic attack. I have those a lot. Once Dan and Brooklyn came in and left, I could hear mumbling from outside the closed door but I couldn't tell what was being said.

"Are you okay now sweetie?" Phil soon asked me. I nodded slowly.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Em." He said.
"I guess it's his fault..." I whispered.
"Who?" Phil asked.
"No one." I said, hugging him and leaning on his chest again, hoping that he wouldn't ask me anything about it.

Before he could say anything, Dan walked in.
"Is she okay now?" He asked, walking over and taking me in his arms like I was 2 years old or younger. Phil nodded.

"She's better than before, that's for sure." He said as they got up and Dan put me down on the floor.

"Its dinner time now." Dan smiled, I fake smiled, weakly. I hated this time. I was never hungry because I never ate. This isn't the best day to get to know my new parents. Them learning I self-harm, me having a panic attack and now them learning I have an eating disorder.

All four of us, me, Dan, Phil and Brooklyn sat down in front of the pizza.
"So... It's been a long day. Hasn't it girls?" Phil then said, me and Brook nodded.

"So Brook, how's the dance class going on?" Dan asked Brooklyn, Phil nodded as Brook started explaining how they were gonna preform what they were doing in dance classes pretty soon.

"That sounds awesome." Phil smiled.
"Yeah, when are the tickets going on sale." Dan asked, taking a few slices and putting the on his plate then taking one and taking a big bite. I had nothing on my plate, everyone was drinking Coke, I had a glass of water and was sipping it gradually and slowly, as the conversation continued, Dan kept looking at me and then my empty plate, so I quickly took the smallest piece of pizza I could find and kept it on my plate, yet he kept looking though I tried to act like he wasn't looking and if I did spot him looking, I would look away.

Occasionally, Phil would look over and glance at Dan, making me take little mini nibbles on the small piece of pizza.

"Emerald?" Dan said when everyone was quiet. I looked up, "could you eat some more?"
I looked down at my plate and all it had was a little thin piece with about three tiny teeth marks in it.

"I'm pretty full." I said, which was actually true.
"You can't be." Phil said. "You haven't even eaten half of that piece."
"Okay, if you eat the rest of that piece, you can leave the table." Dan told me.

"Dan!" Phil said, looking over at Dan. I looked down at my plate at the little small piece of pizza and took bigger bite out of the pizza, not necessarily massive bits, but bigger than I ate before. I finished the pizza and slowly got up.

"Thank you for the pizza." I said, then shuffled out of the door into my room but I could hear them.
"Dan." I heard Phil say, "she barely ate anything."

"It's a step closer, she must have an eating disorder, anorexia or something like that. If we go a step closer everyday, we'll show her that it's healthy if she eats, but we can do that in a gentle way." Dan explained, "we can't just force her to eat, because that isn't going to gain our trust for her. We want her to feel like she can trust us and know that we care, because we do."

I walked into my bare room and sat down on the bed, feeling extremely full up, since that's probably the most food I would ever eat for the whole day.

I fell asleep for a while and when I got up and went into my bag and got my favourite book out The Chronicles of Narnia. I had read it about 20 times already but I loved it too much.

Once I was into reading the book I didn't know that the door had opened, letting Brooklyn in, she walked over to my bed and grabbed the book out of my hands and threw it on the floor, I looked at her with that 'why did you do that' face and she just glared at me.

"I never wanted you in my life and ruin my life. You're nothing like I wanted a sister to be. You're freaking useless! Stay away from me and stay away from MY parents." She growled before leaving and slamming the door behind her tightly. I sat, shocked, then took a large breath and grabbed the book off the floor.

Well this is gonna be nice...

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