10 *you okay?

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The rest of the day was, not what I would call, good. But I guess it was fine. Apart from the 'nerd' comments I kept getting.

See, I could say that I was good at and like school stuff that most people hate. Like, maths especially. I really like it and I'm pretty good at it I guess. And being good at maths is a great thing in the teachers point of view, but definitely not so good in the students point of view.

I was pretty glad when the school ended. I just wish that I could stay at home but do all the school stuff there, so I didn't have all the stuff that I hated, like trying to make friends, and all the judging each day. I wish that was a proper choice, but I don't think that I could be homeschooled by my new parents anytime soon...

Brook wasn't by the gate when I got out of school though Dan told her specifically that he wanted her back with me. I waited for a good 15 minutes until I gave up and started to walk home, remembering exactly which way we went from home to school, so I got home in no time.

"Hi sweetie!" I heard Phil say once I got back, I smiled.
"Hey." I replied, about to go into my room and start on my maths homework then read.

"Where's Brook, Em?" Dan asked, coming over and kissing my forehead and checking if she was outside, behind me.

"I'm not sure. She wasn't outside school." I mumbled, not really wanting to be dragged into another argument.
"I can't believe her..." Dan growled, taking his phone out of his pocket and calling Brook, I looked over at Phil who beckoned me to come over to him.

"So how was the first day of school Em?" Phil asked, obviously really excitable.
"It was good." I replied, "but I got some homework to do"
"Already?" He asked.
"Yeah but it's fine because I like it." I said. Phil laughed a little.
"Your a weird girl Em, in an awesome way." He said, "yeah, you can go in your room and do it."
I smiled a little and quickly took myself into my room and put the bag next to my bed and shut the door to try and block out the shouting that may come soon after. I then sat down and started to do my homework

It was after I did my homework and started reading when Brook finally got home, leaving Dan to explode onto her, he was infuriated.

"I told you! I freaking told you to come back with your sister! I can't believe that you would go out for a goddamn hour with your friends! Emerald had to come back on her own, luckily she remembered the way to get home but god knows how!" He shouted. Even though the door was shut tight, I could hear every word.

Shouting continued from the point of Dan and Brook as I put my headphones in my ears and started to loudly listen to music. I always hate these arguments more when they're my fault. And they always seem to be about me.

I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I did for a while until Phil came in.
"Hey sweetie..." He said softly, sitting on the edge of my bed as I woke up.
"Hi..." I mumbled quietly.

"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah..." I said.
"I just wanted to talk to you about something pretty important, me and Dan wanted to tell-well, ask you this but, he's having a little trouble with Brooklyn." He explained, I nodded. Letting him continue.

"So we were thinking if you wanted to be introduced to our fans? Or have a YouTube channel of your own. Brook has one and it's doing pretty well, she does makeup tutorials, hairdos, she's basically a mini Zoella." He chuckled, I just smiled because I wasn't sure what 'Zoella' was until I googled her.

"So... What do you think?" He asked, to be honest, I really didn't want a YouTube account. Like, what would I talk about? Books? Who would want to watch that? But of course, I didn't want to upset him.

"Yeah, sure." I fake smiled.
"Great! We can film it as soon as we can!" Phil said excitedly.

^that was frankie being sick.
Bloody peasants, sneezing all over me.

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