October 11th, 2011

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Okay... Where the hell do I begin?

I'm anxiously waiting a replay from starbucks about whether I'll work there or not. I'd been sitting in the store most days just writing my stores without a job. I figured why not try to work there as I do spend a lot there for coffee and teas. I need them to pay me back somehow. I submitted my application online last Thursday and figured I'd wait the end of this week till I went and asked. I don't want to seem pushy and lose the job.

It's been three weeks since my husband and I moved into our first house. The weirdness of it is fading a bit as I get used to living here. The cats have gotten used to the new place too now that the moving of boxes has ended for the most part. Now I just have to go through said boxes and organize everything. That will take months to do if not a year. My sewing room/ studio having the most boxes out of all.

It's silly to know that when we moved here from our apartment that we had a couch and a matress. That's right. The only things we had were those besides a TV and an iJoy massage chair. No dining table. No bedframe. No boxspring for the bed. Just a reclining leather couch and a memory foam mattress. Now the hunt for the furnishings is on. Dining room first. Bedroom next. Then the living room last. Wish us luck.

I bet you're wondering how we managed to get a house if I'm not working. Hubby's job as a computer god is how. He makes enough that I don't have to work in order for us to have a house. My job, when I get it, will be for any improvements we want to make (i.e. the basement) and so we can buy the furnishings sooner rather than later. Hence looking to starbucks over a more higher paying job (since it's been nearly four years since I've actually had a job). I have to start somewhere. Starting at Starbucks gets me back into the swing of working again.

Well... I think that's it for now as hubby is saying it's bed time and he hates to sleep alone. He just loves my presence in bed. (wink)

Blessed is your day and life, Kat.

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