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(Emily's POV)

I flinched at the loud shot and saw the body fall to the ground next to me with blood spilling from his head. I turned around to see Reid lowering his gun and look up at me before everything went black.

----time skip (few hours later)----

"She's malnourished so we need to keep her under supervision over night and then she'll be able to go home tomorrow afternoon." I heard a woman say.

"Thank you Doctor." Derek said, "Wait... The baby?" I opened my eyes as soon as I heard "the baby" just in time to see the doctor shake her head no.

He nodded and looked down. The doctor left and Derek turned to see me awake. He ran to my side and I started crying.

"I'm so sorry! It's my fault... I did something stupid and he punished me for it...it's all my fault!" I sobbed and he just shook his head pulling me to him.

"No, no, no! It was not your fault! It was the psycho's fault! Okay? Okay? Look at me." He said lifting my chin. "None of this is your fault okay? It's mine because I couldn't protect you from getting taken in the first place."

"It's not your fault! My job was to be careful and to protect my..." My voice trailed off I couldn't say it. "I couldn't protect my... Our..." I choked on my words and a tear slid down his cheeks.

"Can you leave please?" I asked quietly, I couldn't take it anymore. I betrayed him. Our baby died because of me, he was never going to forgive me. I couldn't stand to look at his face any longer.

           He looked heart broken and he stumbled back a little bit, "What?"

          "Please get out." I said, my voice more stable this time and a little bit louder.

          "Okay..."  He said and walked out of the room. I could tell he was heartbroken and angry but I couldn't take it right now.

(Derek's POV)

           I walked out in the hallway where the rest of the team was waiting including Reid who still hadn't said a full sentence to any of us after we found Emily. He made it clear that he was only there to help find Emily.

          "What happened?" Hotch asked cautiously standing up.

          I paced and rubbed my face with my hands. "The baby didn't make it." I croaked and walked over to a wall. I punched it hard trying to release my anger but it didn't work.

          I was so hurt that Emily was pushing me away again and so angry that this man hurt her and killed our baby.

          I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around expecting Hotch but it wasn't. It was JJ, Hotch was sitting in a chair with his head in his hands and Reid was staring at the ground sadly.

          "I'm really sorry Derek." She whispered and wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her tight wishing it was Emily in my arms.

          "Why aren't you in there with her?" Reid asked with a hint of anger in his voice. JJ and I pulled apart.

          "She asked me to leave. She blames herself and no matter how many times I try and tell her that it wasn't she still thinks she killed our..." I couldn't say it either.

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