Chapter 3

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"Everyone sit down, please." Hotch said to this team as they walked into the conference room. Emily was finally happy and he was about to ruin it again but he had to he was on his way. Emily walked in behind everyone else with a confused look on her face.

"What going on?" she knew something was up, Hotch was acting weird all morning, he got a call earlier that morning and walked out of his office different. Hotch and JJ stood before everyone who was sitting down, Emily didn't budge she stayed standing up.

"As you all know the man who killed Morgan is now in jail and-" Emily cut him off with an angry look.

"Why are you doing this? Why are bringing this up?" Emily asked obviously not wanting to talk about this, it was all too hard. She didn't want to rehash those feelings she had bottled up for the last month, she was finally feeling better even though she was on the edge of breaking down at any moment.

"Emily just listen, it's important." JJ said sharply at Emily, she closed her mouth and JJ gave Hotch the stage.

"Okay, now that he is in jail I can come clean about a decision I made eight months ago. As you all know when we got to Derek he was dead but on the way to the hospital they were able to revive him. He also survived throughout the surgery. He was then airlifted from D.C to Paris until we knew that the man that hurt him was locked up." Hotch finished quickly.

"He's alive?" Garcia stuttered with tears already streaming down her face. Emily stumbled back but steadied herself on some file boxes next to the table and she looked at Hotch with anger.

"I take full responsibility for the decision, if anyone should be angry they should be angry with me." Hotch added as Emily scratched her head. She looked up at him with the most hurt look on her face it made him want to cry. She walked up to him and looked him in the eye as she slapped him hard across the face.

"You son of a Bitch!" she whispered as JJ pulled her arm back. She snatched her arm back and was about to hit him again when she heard his voice.

"Emily." he said with a lump in his throat, she was so beautiful he had missed her so much. He hated that he couldn't have came back to be with her, he hated that she was to go through that much when she didn't have to . She turned and saw him and in the one split second she look relieved before the look on her face changed, like she was punched in the gut. She stepped back away from Hotch who was holding the side of his face and leaned against the wall behind her.

"" she stammered with tears escaping her eyes as she saw him, he was wearing baggy jeans and his usual too tight v-neck shirt and a jacket hanging over his shoulder. Before she could find more words Garcia got up and ran to him.

"I'm mad at you! But not really because I am so happy right now!" she said hugging him before pulling away quickly and smacking him on the arm, "What do you have to saw for yourself! Do you know how hard it was! I thought I was never going to hear Emily speak again!" she scolded when suddenly he pulled her into another tight hug.

"I'm so sorry baby girl." he said quietly into her ear with tears starting to drip out.

"It's okay, just never leave us again!" she cried clutching him. Reid stood up and started to walk past them when Derek put his arm out to stop him. Garcia pulled away and sat back. Reid looked at Derek with sorrow in his eyes before falling into his arms with tears.

"Reid..." Derek stuttered before Reid pulled away whipping his tears and left the room quickly running away from more confrontation. Derek looked back at the rest of the team, Rossi wasn't there after retiring once again for his new book tour. JJ smiled and left the room followed by Hotch knowing that it was Derek and Emily's moment.

Emily was standing in the corner trying to breath as Derek came closer, he walked cautiously towards her with tears in his eyes. "Emily, I'm so sorry. You have to know that it wasn't any of our faults we had to keep it a secret for my safety along with yours. These last eight months have been hell, Emily. I can't handle it if you wont talk to me, I can't-" she cut him off by wrapping her arms around him. He squeezed her tight wanting this moment to never fade when she whispered into his ear.

"I missed you so much." all her anger dissipated as soon as he got close to her, she had wanted this to happen for so long that she didn't care how it was happening right then. He pulled away and looked into her eyes, he missed her so much he never wanted to let go but she couldn't handle it. She stepped back and whipped her running eye liner off before looking back at him.

"This is too much. I gotta- I gotta..." she said before walking past him out the room and started running when she saw the team waiting by there desks except Reid he was no where to be found. She ran past them and left the building, she started the car and started to drive, not knowing where she was going she just needed to leave. It was all too much, HE WAS ALIVE THE WHOLE TIME! she yelled at herself in her head. She sobbed with the music on blast the same song she was listening to when he called her.

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