Chapter 2

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        She pulled the triggor over and over again until there were no bullets. She put the gun down and leaned onto the the ledge waiting for the slide to come up. Reid stood behind her silent waiting for his turn, they hadn't talked for the hours they had been there but they didn't need to. It was nice fore Emily to be with somebody that didn't want to pull her into a conversation about how she's feeling or about anything at that point. Reid and Emily came to the range every chance they got to unwind, to get their anger out. They usually had a schedule but when they were out one cases they had to reschedule and went whenever they could. This was their 8th time in the month and it just came routine, Emily would catch Reid's gaze, they would both nod, and then they would leave for the range.

        The slide of the fake person came up to show that Emily had shot it over and over again in the head. She sat back down and let Reid do his rounds until Emily got a call. She answered it to find that one of her contacts had spotted the man who killed Derek in New York. "You did? Where is he now?" she asked getting Reid's attention. He turned aourn suprised to hear her voice and gave her a questioning look. "You have him in custody? Good, I'm on my way." she hung up the phone and looked up at Reid.

        "They found him." she said and Reid knew exactly who she was talking about, he took the earphones off and they ran out of the building. In the car on the way to the BAU Reid made the call to Hotch telling him what was going on. Hotch got the jet ready and assembled the team before they got there. Reid and Emily went strait to the jet to find that everyone else did the same.

        "Your sure he's in New York?" Hotch asked as she sat down by the window next to him. She nodded and handed him her phone with a picture of him from security photage in an entarogation room. He nodded giving her the phone back as the palne started to take off. She looked through the window when another flashback entered her mind...

        "I'm fine! I want to see Derek!" Emily yelled from her hospital bed to Hotch standing before her. Hotch shook his head.

        "Emily, he's in surgery. Plus you would rip your stitches." he pointed out as she was brething heavily with anger. When she relaxed she tried again.

        "FIne, you'll tell me when you hear something?" she asked seriously to Hotch who was exiting the room.

        "Of coarse why wouldn't I?"he said leaving. Later that night Emily snuck out of her room and went out to the waiting room to find the whole team sleeping in their chairs. She tip toad through not to wake them and sat down, so caught up in her thought she didnt realize that Hotch and JJ had woken up. JJ flinched when she saw Emily sitting next to her with all the IV's attached to her.

        "Are you even allowed out here?" JJ asked even though she the knew the answer. Hotch got up and approached them before giving Emily a stirn look.

        "No she isn't." he said angrily when JJ got up.

        "I'm gonna go see if there is anything new." she said exiting to find the doctor. Hotch kept his eyes fixed on Emily, he was angry that she lied to him and that she did something so dangerous.

        "I told you that I would tell you if I heard anything." he said sitting down next to her. Emily started to argue with hime until they were inturrupted when JJ opened the doors. The doors slammed closed waking up the rest of the team. Emily stood up even though she felt a peircing pain in her side. JJ looked at Emily with tears in her eyes and shook her head. Emily's knees buckled and she fell to the ground, the tears falling down quickly. She didn't even feel the horrible pain that tore her stitches open. Only did she notice when she saw the blood staining her gown and the ground, Hotch was right there calling for a nurse.

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