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(Derek's P.O.V)
"So what? He's just leaving? He's our family he can't leave..." Garcia said with tears falling down her cheeks. I squeezed her hand and she looked over at me.
"Sometimes things happen and he can't handle it...I don't know if I could..." I admitted and everyone gave me sad looks. Emily looked down, I could tell she was falling apart and barely hanging on.
I'm guessing Garcia noticed me staring at her, "I'm gonna get some food, JJ Hotch? Come with?" She said getting up. They nodded and proceeded to the door as well.
"You want me to get you guys anything?" She asked but I shook my head and so did Emily.
When Garcia and the rest of them left Emily came and sat next to my bed.
"Hey princess, you're incredibly strong you know that?" She smiled a fake smile and looked down, "hey."
I lifted her chin up to look at me, "you are so strong. I can't imagine what you've gone through the last few months."

"I'm trying Derek, I really am. Reid was the only reason why I stayed at the BAU. The only reason I stayed before and after that whole confusing death of yours." she said sarcastically before getting serious, "Now Reid's gone and I only have you but not even a year ago you taken away from me..."

I was trying to figure out what her point was, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her, "Are you leaving too?" I asked my voice shaking with fear.

"No." she stated plainly. I looked at her confused, "I'm not done trying yet."

~Time skip~

"...So you are free to leave, you are officially discharged. But remember no heavy lifting. Take it easy the next two weeks. You were in a pretty bad accident." the doctor told us as if we didn't already know. I had already changed into some clothes Emily brought me from my apartment and we were off to the airport.

"I am so glad you will finally be home! I put little gifts in your office from Mwa!" Garcia exclaimed covering her mouth, "It was supposed to be a surprise! Oh well... anyway..." I kind of tuned her out at that point. She was the sweetest for doing all of this but I was tired and she was giving me a headache.

I looked over at Emily who was laughing with JJ and smiled. They were finally okay again, it was all my fault that they weren't in the first place. I screwed everyone up. Reid left, Emily almost died and stopped talking, Emily and Reid both hated and shut out JJ and Hotch. It was all my fault. Rossi left too.

Emily looked up and caught my eyes. She smiled a genuine smile that I hadn't seen for months.

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