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(Emily's POV 4 days total)
          I hadn't seen the man for awhile, I don't know how long I've been in the room. I sighed and curled up into a bawl, I'm never gonna see him again. If I do he'll be mad at me for killing the baby. I should've been more careful and now I'm going to die and my baby's already gone. I don't even care anymore, Derek will find someone else. Someone who can protect herself and actually keep the baby. Who isn't so screwed up. I'm done trying. It's over.

          I am awoken from my thoughts when the door opened and the bright light blinded my eyes. I barely had the strength to hold my arm up to cover the light.

          He pulled the chain yanking my arms violently towards him. I cried out in agony and he continued to pull me towards him as I screamed.

          Once I am at his feet he pulled me up and I groaned from the pain in my wrists. The skin under the medal was so raw and gone that it burned to bad.

          I was so light headed that I could barely stand up and he slapped me knocking down all the balance I barely had. I fell to my knees and groaned again.

          "STAND UP YOU BITCH!" He screamed at me. I tried, I really did but I was so dizzy I kept falling down. He yanked up the chains and I screamed but it worked I was standing. Barely.

          "THE MAN IS TRYING TO FIND YOU AND I CANT LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU OKAY? I LOVE YOU!" He said before smashing his lips to mine. I was so exhausted I didn't have the strength to get him off of me. I pleaded that it would be over soon and that he wouldn't go any further.

            Then I heard it the door bust open, "FBI SHOW YOUR HANDS!" I heard his voice and started to cry. I used all my strength and sent my knee into his balls. I pulled away and he groaned bending over. He was quick tho he spun around and grabbed me. He put me in front of him and I saw Derek, Hotch, and JJ.

         I felt a blade go up to my neck and my breath hitched. I didn't want it to happen in front of him. That would crush him. It can't happen like that. I stayed calm and pleaded for it not to be over.

          "Put the blade down! I will not tell you again!" Derek screamed but I knew he couldn't get a clear shot. It was over, this guy was not going to let me go especially to Derek.

          "YOU!" The man using me screamed, "YOU SCUMBAG! YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HER! I SAVED HER FROM YOU!" Derek was speechless and so confused.

          "What did he do?" Hotch asked calmly putting his weapon away while Derek's and JJs stayed on us.

          "See I just want to talk. What did he do to her? What did you save her from?"

          "He raped her! He impregnated her! I saved her from that black excuse for a human being! YOU  CANT HURT HER ANYMORE!" He then whispered into my ear, "cmon baby lets get out of here."

           He held the gun up to both our heads and I started crying.

           "NO!" Derek screamed and I heard a small voice behind me.

           "You can't hurt her anymore either."


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