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(Emily's P.O.V)

We were laying in bed, me in his arms, he was tracing circles with his thumb on my arm. "When do you want to tell them?" he whispered.

"I don't know," I started. I didn't know how to put in words. "Can we wait a few weeks because what if you know-" he cut me off.

"Sh, sh, sh. It's not going to happen but I hear you. We'll wait a few weeks and then tell them. It's okay." he said sweetly.

"I love you so much." I whispered and turned to face him.

"I love you too." he said pulling me to his lips. We were interrupted yet again by both our phones ringing on our nightstand.

"So much for that." I said rolling off the bed and he laughed. We got out of bed reluctantly, got ready and then left for work. When we got there JJ was shooting me daggers with her eyes. Hotch called us into the conference room for a case and that's when I talked to her.

"Jesus, JJ. No I didn't take the test okay?" I said in a hushed voice as we were walking down the hall to the conference room, "Anyway it's fine I'm better. It was just food poisoning."

"Okay, whatever you say." she said as we entered the room but it didn't seem that she actually believed me. I sat down next to Derek and he winked at me.

"I'm glad you're feeling better Emily." Hotch said as he came through the door and saw me, "We're gonna need all hands on deck for this one."

----(Time Skip: After the case)----

"So would you guys want to come out for a team dinner tonight?" Hotch asked as we all entered the plane.

I looked over at Derek and he nodded, "Yeah we don't have anything going on." I said and sat down. After the flight we all headed to a sushi place that JJ and Hotch liked. We got seated quickly and ordered right away.

          We talked about random things until Derek cleared his throat. I knew what was coming and I smiled holding his hand under the table.

          "Guys, we have something to tell you guys." He said and Garcia immediately started panicking on the other side of the table.

          "You guys broke up! Oh no no no no! You guys are perfect together! You can't-" Derek cut her off by grabbing her hands.

          "Woah woah, baby girl we are not breaking up calm down. That is never going to happen." He said calming her down.

          "So what's the news?" JJ asked grinning at me like she knew.

          "Well umm..." He started and looked at me to finish.

          "We're having a baby." I said and immediately everyone started congratulating us and hugging us. Some people at other tables were clapping for me as well.

          After dinner we went home and laid together watching tv when I got a text.

Jayje: so when's he gonna pop the question?
Me: I didn't think about that. I don't know.
Jayje: well he's got to do it soon right? It's not like you guys aren't ready.
Me: I don't know. It's up to him when he asks. We have to worry about a baby now and adding new a wedding to that would be hectic.
Jayje: yeah but you guys don't have to get married right away.
Me: I guess but I'm really tired JJ. I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight girl I love you.
Jayje: okay love you girl!

         I plugged my phone in and turned off the lamp next to me. I looked over at Derek to see him fast asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead.

         "I love you baby." I whispered before turning off the tv and rolling over to sleep.

          After about an hour of tossing and turning I couldn't fall asleep. JJs words were still stuck in my head and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

          What if Derek didn't want to marry me? What if he was only staying around because the baby? I knew that that probably wasn't true but I couldn't stop myself from thinking those thoughts as I finally fell asleep.

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