57: TV Show you Watch (SW & Prequels)

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Two Broke Girls. You don't really know why. He says that it reminds him of himself. You just let him do whatever.

You really got her into Parks and Recreation. She absolutely loves the humor and really connect with Leslie knope.

Luke is really into crime shows, like Criminal minds and Homicide Hunter. He loves the incredibly complex procedure it takes to solve a crime and catch a criminal.

Ghost Adventures. He knows that it's fake, and only likes to watch it to laugh at how fake it is and how badly they act.

Game of Thrones. You didn't expect him to like it, actually, due to its insane amount of boobs and blood (my favourite). He, shared with everyone who has ever watched game of thrones, hates Joffrey with a passion, but hates Ramsay even more.   

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