47: Periods (TFA & Prequels)

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You would scream and throw things at Anakin for even the slightest things. You would always apologise, and most of the time it would end with you crying for some reason. He always forgave you, of course. He had to admit, a lot of it was really his fault.

Obi Wan:
Obi would hold you in his arms while gently rubbing your lower stomach. He would fetch you food or a hot water bottle whenever asked. Sometimes, he would take time off to be with you and cuddle and be there when you were having mood swings.

He would get you anything you wanted, and even went to Leia and Rey for council. You insisted that you were fine, and that things were normal, but he just couldn't get over the sheer fact that you were constantly bleeding, but you were okay.

You were never the one to act out of the norm while on you period, so Poe didn't really have to do anything except buy tampons for you every once in awhile, or some sort of junk food.

Rey obviously understood, and would lend you spare clothes if you ever bled through (even underwear if times were desperate). You would both pig out and emotionally rant to each other.

Kylo Ren:
While on your period, you were less immune to Kylo's bullshit. Meaning, you would snap more often. You often yelled at him, throwing things while an occasional tear slipped through. It always made him feel bad, so he would make it up to you by giving you flowers and chocolates.

Despite claiming that everything was fine, Hux still constantly checked on you, giving you an occasional kiss. He would cook special meals, and provide the tastiest of wines. You honestly didn't care what kind of wine or food it was, you were just glad that there was food and alcohol.   

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