07: How you annoy them

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You tease him about being awkward and about his fruitless attempts at flirting. He gets all huffed up about it, but you manage to cheer him up by tickling him.

You challenge him to do things you know he can't do, and he always tries to do the thing. Even something that would be theoretically impossible for him to do, like for instance, use the force. When he gets frustrated, you feel bad for challenging him and comfort him, telling him that he is all that he needs to be.

To annoy Rey, you constantly ask her to "use the force" to get things for you. Though, you stopped doing this once you found out that it strained her to do so.

Kylo Ren:
Sometimes, you steal his voice changing helmet and clothes and pretend to be him. It usually fools most people (Save for Hux, who humors you), that is until Kylo finds you or you burst out laughing. Kylo acts like he's mad, but most of the time, he can't stop himself from smiling.  

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