03: How you kiss

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Finn is usually the one to initiate the kiss. He gives you a cheeky smile, lifts up your chin, and pecks your lips.

Your kisses don't last very long, though, sometimes they are. Before going off on a mission or battle, he will hold you in his arms for a long time, and kiss you roughly and passionately.

Though you are very brave on the battle field, you are incredibly shy when in comes to romantics. You have to ask her for permission- which always makes her laugh- and then you give her a quick kiss, inevitably hiding your face from view while she giggles at your silliness.

Kylo Ren:
At first, you were afraid you were too straight foreword. You were afraid of upsetting him, or making him uncomfortable. Do to your fear, he is usually the one who initiates the kisses. Despite what you might think, he is very gentle and caring during kisses, as though he is afraid he might break you if he is too rough.

//Hey guys! Merry Christmas (I know it's christmas eve....) and happy holidays to those of you who dont celebrate christmas! I dont know If im going to publish a chapter tomorrow since, you know... Sorry Finn's and Poe's are pretty short, kinda didn't know what to do there....//  

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