Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I get to Norman's and he's waiting on me with pizza already on the table.

"Hey babe you have good timing. It just got here five minutes ago. I wanted to wait but I was so hungry after our "lunch" today."

"Oh were you." I wink.

I grab the plate he set out for me and grabbed two slices. "I have to admit I was super hungry too." I say as I take two bites.

"Must have been." He laughs. I smile.

After we finish the pizza I try to approach this the best way I can so it doesn't unfold like it had the day before.

"Baby I think we need to revisit the conversation we had in the beginning about you possibly going to another school or something."

He looks at me oddly. "Why?"

"Because Mark approached me today and said he went to the office for something today and no one was in there and he was leaving and heard you say my name. I thought maybe he heard us having sex but he didn't say anything like that. We almost got caught."

"What did you tell him?"
"I just said we bumped into each other in the hall as I was going to the diner for lunch and you said you wouldn't get to be eating soon because you were busy so I offered to bring you lunch. He bought it but he was concerned about how you call me Andie. I just brushed it off as us being nice and familiar with one another."

"Well then that's fine. I don't think there's any reason for me to leave then."

I can't believe he was just brushing this off. "Norman, first Janel and now Mark and all in just a few days. It's becoming risky being with one another so openly. Something needs to be done."

"Well Janel knows about us and apparently she's fine with it maybe other's will be too."

I look at him like he has two heads. "Are you serious? Even if that were true it's not that simple. I don't care what the students really think although it will be my reputation on the line. You'll be fired because this is not allowed but you'll always be able to get another job. I'll have to suffer through two more years of looks and gossip and then when and if I find a job this will all follow me too."

"What makes you think I won't get that too?"
"Because you're a man."

"Don't start that."

"No don't you dare try to deny it. There is so much sexism in this world and as a man you don't always see it. I'd probably be that bimbo that was out of her league with Stanford work and slept with her Dean to get better grades. It will always be on me no matter if this is a mutual affair because that's what this is."

"You really speak of our relationship like it's just this tawdry affair that means nothing."

"That's not what I was getting at Norman you know that. I'm just saying that it doesn't matter if we love each other people will always see what they want. It's not just your future it's mine too and I'm just beginning. I want to do amazing things in my life and one is not just to be seen as a side piece even though for us it's more it will always be seen that way."

"You have no faith in this do you?"

"I do but I'm just trying to be realistic."

"Realistic or self-sabotaging?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well the other day we fought and I'll admit I jumped to conclusions and was an ass but at the same time here we are arguing again about the relationship. Is this about what is better for us you better for you? Do you think it would be that easy to just leave and go somewhere else? Do you think that if I do happen to switch jobs that if you and I suddenly were seen together that questions and accusations won't be thrown around? Or what would happen with us if I took another job in a further town or state? Are you just trying to find a way out of this? If so just say it."

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