Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My name is Andie (Andrea) Mason and I am currently a sophomore at Stanford University in California. I am majoring in Geological Sciences. It was grueling and time consuming with most of my nights spent studying instead of partying but I loved every minute of it. I was never much of a partier anyway so that was fine and unlike some of the people I actually cared what my grades and GPA looked like.

I had a crazy first year but this second year I had a nice rhythm down. I'd wake up, go to class, eat lunch on the way to my afternoon classes and then go to work. I worked at a department store near the campus and it was only part time but it was enough to have some money. Thank god they paid well. I think they only did because they knew the college was close so they tried to be fair. I lived in the dorms so that helped immensely. After work I'd go home shower and eat while studying then it was to bed and repeat. Most kids attending Stanford were burnt out by the end of the first semester but this was my dream college and I knew what I wanted in life so I just had to work even if I was tired as hell.

I used to have a roommate until a few weeks ago and she ended up dropping out. She said she just couldn't handle the pressure of being attached to the Stanford reputation. I could understand that but she had a full scholarship and she just let it all go. I knew that didn't guarantee anything unless you worked hard and pulled the grades but she was a smart girl I knew she had it in her. All of her friends and I tried to talk her out of it but she was not deterred from her decision. Since then I have been alone and that has been fine with me. They told me that I could either have another roommate set up with me or I could move to a singular dorm. I chose the latter. I didn't mind my old roommate but I wasn't about to take my chances with another person. So I had moved into a single dorm last week. I barely had the motivation to move everything because I was so tired after class and working that day but it was the only day I could do it.

I was now heading down the hall to my Field and Analytical Methods in Historical Geobiology class. It has to do with ancient oceans being affected by environmental change. I've been in it for about a month now and it was probably one of my favorite classes.

"Hey Andie, what are you doing after classes today?" Janel asked as she walked beside me. Janel was a really good friend. Probably my best friend with all things considered since I could never really "hang out." I met her the day we had orientation last year and we have been friends since.

"Well I don't have to work tonight so I'll probably go home and study for my Geostatistics test next week. Why?"

She sighs and smiles. "Girl you need to come out with Sammy, Leona and me soon. We were going to a party tonight over at the Omega frat house. Heard it will be a blowout." She gushed.

I laughed. "You know that's not my scene J. I mean I wouldn't mind going but the last time I went to one of those frat house parties Greg got a little handsy and I had to fracture his hand."

She burst out laughing. "Oh my god yes that was hilarious! He clearly thought you were this meek little girl but didn't realize how kick ass you are."

I smile. "He deserved it after I told him no three times. He avoids me at all costs now. He actually looks scared of me." I laugh.

"He should be chick. I mean you can handle yourself and that's awesome. I understand but maybe tomorrow me and you can do lunch. I miss you plus I have to tell you about this guy I met last week."

"Oh gosh who now?" I say playfully.

"Hey, me and Harrison broke up four months ago I need to get back in the saddle so to speak." She smiles at me. "His name is Brad and he's a sexy thing. He has dirty blonde hair with some curl in it and he's tall and athletic with crazy brown eyes."

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