Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I wake up with the light shining in from my windows with my book under my arm and a highlighter still in my hand. Damn I fell asleep studying. I look at the clock. Shit its noon. I don't think I fell asleep until after 4am. Thank god it was the weekend. I needed to get up and shower and go meet Janel at the diner.

I get in the shower quickly and then slip on a pair of white skinny jeans and a plain navy blue shirt. I put on some mascara and eyeliner and put my long brown hair into a ponytail and slipped on my black flats. I was ready in record time and I actually looked decent. I grab my keys and phone and slip them in my purse and leave.

I get to the diner in time because as soon as I sit down in our booth Janel walks in.

"Hey chick."

"Hey, how was the party last night?"

"Oh my god! It was great at certain times and then dumb as crap on other accounts. Ben Crawford he decided it would be funny to prank the frat guys. Well that would have been fine had it not been for the prank he pulled and the fact that it was on their turf. He put Jell-O in their pool and it was solid. No one was able to swim. They clearly weren't happy and they banned him from all the other parties they hold at the frat house. However, I saw Brad and he and I talked for like three hours and we exchanged numbers and he called me this morning asking me to dinner tonight. I said yes of course."

"Wow well Ben deserves to be banned. That is a stupid move to pull on their turf. Normally I'd say it was also childish which it was but those stupid frat guys deserve it. Not all but some are just jerks just because they think they can be. What are you going to wear for the dinner tonight?"

"Oh my god! I have no clue. I thought about that little pink dress that I bought a few weeks ago. I didn't know what I was going to use it for but maybe now I have something."

"Oh yeah you should definitely wear that. It's cute but yet casual and wear your black Louis Vuitton's with it. Those shoes will be a killer for him." I smile.

"That's right girl you best believe it." She laughs playfully.

"So did you get your studying done last night?"

"Not done but got through some. I couldn't concentrate so I took a break and went on a walk and then came here to get a burger."

"You couldn't concentrate? That's very unlike you. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just a restless night I guess." I tried to hide it. Hopefully she believed me.

"Hmm well let's hope those restless nights continue and I can get you out more." She smiles teasingly.

"Don't count on it." I joke.

"Oh and girl did you see Mr. Reedus yesterday?"

"Oh yeah, I went to the office to switch my class and he happened to be in there."

"I saw him after my last class and I was going to text you but I had to gather my wits after seeing him plus Heather interrupted me and I forgot. She got to talking about how Brad might be at the party so you know why that text never came."

"I know he is very attractive. He's very nice too."

"You talked to him?"

I wondered if I should tell her about seeing him in the diner last night.

"Yeah he heard me talking to Mrs. Landon and then it just kind of turned into small talk but he just told me that he was nervous for his first day and he majored in the same thing I am. I saw him here last night too. He came in to get something to eat after I was already here and we said hi and exchanged a bit more of small talk and he left."

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