Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The next morning I woke up and Norman wasn't in bed. I smelled food so I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I see Norman shirtless with his grey sweat pants hanging low on his hips and hair mussed. His back towards me as he cooks something in a pan what I assume were eggs since that's what it smelled like.

"Mmm something smells good." I say as I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his torso.

"That would be you baby." He says as he shuts the stove off and turns to me leaning down to kiss me.

I smile. "Nah but thanks for saying it. This all looks really good what made you make a whole meal today?" I ask as I see him plating the eggs, sausage, bacon, fruit, and toast.

He motions for me to go sit down at the table as he places one of the plates in front of me and a cup of coffee and orange juice.

"I just wanted to make up for yesterday. I was a complete ass to you and I just took everything way too much to heart and I'm sorry for that. You mean so much to me Andie and I don't want you to think I don't care or that I take you for granted."
I smile. He's so amazing.

"I could never think those things Norman. Since day one you've always been caring and I've never felt once taken for granted. I should be sorry too because although you may have been an ass I was the one who initiated the whole thing. What I was trying to say or convey was not coming out or across the way I intended. I love you and it just hurt when you were so cold to me. I didn't think you'd ever just shut me out the way you did. My heart really broke in that moment but when I saw you in front of my door my heart was already mending."

He walked over to me when he set his plate down and got on his knees in front of me. "I know I was cold and I hated that I did that to you. I was such an idiot. I should have just talked to you about it all. I guess sometimes if I feel like I may get hurt I just close myself off and I know that's not fair to you because I know you'd never hurt me. I know it's still early for us but I see your heart and I just know you'd never intentionally hurt me. I know now that's not what it was. I promise you I won't be like that again. I love you."

He takes my hand and kisses it and then turns it over and kisses my palm and then my wrist. I cup his cheek in my hand and smile. "I know you do. I appreciate everything you just said to me. Now let's eat before we are both late for the day." I chuckle.

He smiles and gets up and we both start to eat. I help him clean up and then I get ready to go to my dorm to get ready.

I get a shower and then put on a really cute dress I just bought last week. One from our anniversary date. It was a teal, lacey and mid-thigh length with spaghetti straps and I had a thin black belt around my waist and paired it with my black flats. I decided to braid my hair today. Just a loose side braid. I always did like to dress up but I guess when you only study there was no reason. I still did a great amount of that and I will always love my leggings, yoga pants, or sweats but it was definitely nice to wear a cute dress somedays especially to see the look on Norman's face when he looked at me.

I head to school and a few of the people that never really noticed me were saying hi to me or wanting to talk to me. I hated that. To me it was fake and superficial so I was polite enough but didn't really take it with any substance.

During lunch I got a text from Norman that no one was in the office for an hour and to come see him.

I walk in without knocking as usual. He smiles and my heart stops. "I really am the luckiest man in the world." He says coming over to me and kisses me.

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