Chapter 4

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Andie's POV

Chapter 4

I went back to class and I spent the day very confused and going between horrified that one I spoke to a superior like that and hit him. Two was the fact that he had spoken to me the way he did and then when I hit him he was back to the man that I had met just a few days ago.

I go through the day until my last class and Mark comes up to me. "Hey, did you talk to Mr. Reedus this morning?"

"Yeah I did."
"What did he say to you?"

I didn't want to tell him what had actually happened and all the conflicting things I was feeling. "Well he just told me to watch with the PDA is what he called it but I assured him that it wasn't like that and we were just talking."

"Hmm he acted as if I was touching you without your permission or something. I don't know why he was tripping about it. I told him I wanted to get to know you and we were just talking."

"Oh. Good. I told him to not worry that neither of us would ever do anything inappropriate at school. He seemed calmer after that. I think he was just trying to prove something to everyone here in school because he's new. He probably just didn't want everyone to think they could get away with just anything."

"I understand that but it's not his business what you and I do. Maybe here in school yes but not when we were just talking."

"Well its fine now. He's a good guy."

He looked at me weird.

"How could you know that? He's been Dean for 3 days."

I backtrack. "I know that but Friday I saw him in the office and we talked for a few while I was waiting on papers and he seems nice that's all."

"Oh. Anyway, can I see you again either tonight or tomorrow?"

"Sure. I'd like that." I accepted quite fast not realizing I said yes. Shit.

It wasn't that I didn't want to see him or that he wasn't nice but I was so new at this and I didn't know how do to this anymore.

"Good. Tomorrow at your place?"

"Sure. Come about 6 and I'll get dinner this time and maybe we can go on a walk and do something afterwards."

He smiled. "Alright sounds good. See ya Andie."

I wave and watch him walk away. I look up and there he was. That beautiful specimen that I was so angry with earlier but it all washed away seeing his bright blue eyes looking at me now.

"Ms. Mason."

"Mr. Reedus."

"I see everything is okay with you and Mr. Henderson."

This was a weird topic with the Dean. "Umm yeah."

"Good." Is all he said but there was something else in his eyes but I couldn't place it.

"I have to go sir I'll see you later."

I walk away faster than intended. He makes me flustered. I mean he's so sexy but that just is crazy that he affects me this way with just his looks. Besides I have Mark to get to know. It was casual for now but I didn't know where it would or could go. This stupid crush needed to go.

I head to my dorm and get ready for work. I get to work and try to put everything that's happened in the last few days out of my mind.

"See you girls in a few days." I say to Nicki and Talia.

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