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Sakura and Naruto made their way to the front door of Kakashi's house. Kakashi peeked through the hole and opened the door...After unlocking about 15 locks on the door. (What? He's very protective over Sakura!)

"Who is this Sakura?" Sakura chuckled nervously. "This is Naruto, Kakashi." Kakashi glared at Naruto. "Mmm...Come in." Kakashi said taking a good look at Naruto. Naruto awkwardly made his way inside followed by Sakura. "Take a seat. I made dinner." Sakura furrowed her brow. "Uh...Well this is new."

Naruto sat beside Sakura and held her hand. Sakura felt wetness in her hand and she looked over at Naruto who got the message. "Sorry S-sakura-chan...I'm nervous." He whispered to her softly.

"Yeah I can tell." HEY!" Kakashi yelled smacking the table, making Naruto and Sakura jump. "Whatever you say to Sakura, you say to me first!" Naruto nodded. "Y-Yes sir!"

"Now. How are your grades at school?" A bead of sweat dropped from Naruto's face. "Uh, not very good."

"What are your intentions for my daughter?" Well I love your daughter and I will protect with everything that I have. Someday I would marry her and make her the happiest women alive. I would never hurt her, I would never do anything to break her heart. I will dedicate my days to her and only her. And I will never ever break the bond she has with you."

Kakashi stood from his chair and made his way to Naruto. Naruto prepared for impact but instead of a good slap in the face, he felt arms embrace him. Naruto opened his eyes and found a tearful Kakashi in his arms. Naruto looked at Sakura and mouthed at her 'What do I do?' She mouthed back and said. 'You're doing great.' With a wink and a thumbs up.

Kakashi finally let go and he looked at Naruto. "You're the one. Finally. A guy who will protect my little baby." Sakura rolled her eyes and Kakashi opened his arms for a group hug. "Kakashi..." Kakashi pulled Naruto and Sakura in a tight hug. Sakura sighed and mumbled.


Naruto and Sakura made their way home and layed on the bed exhausted. "That. Was. Crazy." Sakura nodded. "I can't believe Kakashi hugged us for a whole HOUR!" Sakura turned to look at Naruto and smiled. "Thanks again for agreeing to do this. It really means a lot to me...and to Kakashi of course." Naruto chuckled. "Don't mention it."

"Also. Was everything you said over true? You would do that for me?" Naruto played with a strand of her hair and smiled. "Of course I did. I would do all of that and more for you." Sakura blushed and threw a pillow at him. "Oh stop it you!" Naruto laughed and fell of the bed. "Naruto you Ok?!"

"No I think I broke my knee!" Sakura got of the bed and went to him. "Oh my Kami! Where let me see!" Naruto slowly got up and got on one knee and pulled out a black box from his pocket. Sakura clasped a hand over her mouth, tears threatening to fall.

Naruto smiled. "Sakura Haruno, will you make me the happiest jerk in the world...and Marry me?" Tears streamed down Sakura's face. "Yes Baka Yes!" She knelt down to hug him. "I love you Sakura." Me to Baka." Sakura said as she hugged him tighter. "I love you so, so much baka."

She released him and smiled at him. Naruto wiped her tears and placed the ring on her finger. Sakura looked at the ring and back at Naruto. Naruto smiled warmly at her and Sakura burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Naruto asked. "How did you manage to trick me like that! It was clever! No one has ever tricked me." Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well you see...I'm not a no one. I'm the no one." Sakura laughed. "Oh you..." Sakura tackled Naruto into another hug.

"I got so much planning to do..."


Naruto knocked on the door to the Hokage's office. A 'Come in' was heard so Naruto opened the door. "You wanted to see me Granny?" She pressed her fingertips together and rested her head on them. "Please Naruto take a seat." Naruto did as he was told and took a seat. "Yes?"

"Naruto remind me again what you wanted to become when you were little." Naruto looked puzzled. "Uh...Well I don't really remember but I think that I said I wanted to become Hokage and prove the entire village that they were wrong about me." The Hokage nodded and grabbed an envelope and slid it towards me. "Uh...What's this?" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "It's up to you whether you want to open it now or not. You can wait till' you get home. Whatever happens...I wish you the best."

Naruto looked even more puzzled. "Granny you're scaring me. Is there something wrong?" Granny smiled. "No nothing is the matter. Don't worry. You may go home now." Naruto blinked a couple times. "Um...Alright then. Er...Take care." And with that Naruto made his way back home, leaving an eery Tsunade alone.


Naruto opened the door to his house and plopped down in the couch. "Hey Naruto. What's wrong?" Naruto sighed and stared at the ceiling. "Yeah...Granny Tsunade has been acting really weird today." Sakura arched and eyebrow. "You mean the Hokage?"

"Yeah her. She acted like something is going to happen. But the problem is...she seemed happy about it..." Sakura rubbed her chin. "Well I got nothing. Maybe you're just overreacting Naruto."

Naruto shook his head. "She gave me this envelope to. I don't know if I should open it..." He handed the envelope to her. "You can open it if you want to." Sakura shook her head. "No Naruto. You should open it. Whatever happens I'm here." She smiled and handed it back to him.

Naruto took a shaky breath. He opened the envelope carefully and read through it. His eyes widened. Sakura grew worried. "Naruto what's wrong? You're scaring me! What's wrong?" Sakura said shaking him a bit. "I'm gonna become Hokage..."

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! WEEE MMAAADDEE IIIT! Ok I'll stop now XD. Thank chu as always for reading. This story is almost as 1000 views! YAAASS! WOO! I'm so excited! Thank you thank you thank you so so much. I can't say it enough!

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