Chapter 6: Did You Have A Bad Day At School?

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Sakura's POV

I got up and stretched my arms. I did my regular morning routine and headed downstairs. "Ohayo Kakashi." He smiled gave me a closed eye smile. "Good Morning Sakura. Sleep well?" I grabbed a waffle from the toaster and popped it in my mouth while pouring a glass of milk. "You can say that."

I finished my so called breakfast and grabbed my bag. "See ya Kakashi! Don't read those books anymore k?" He swiftly hid the book behind him and smiled as if I didn't see. I shot him a warning look. "S-Sure thing Sakura!"

I walked to the bus stop where I was greeted by a group of guy's. I decided to ignore them and look straight ahead. One of the guys walked up to me. "Oi, are you Sakura Haruno?" I looked at them. "What of it?" They exchanged some looks and nods. Then a fist collided with my gut. I winced and fell on my knees.

I held my stomach gasping for air. They continued to kick me and strike my across the face. They gave each other some looks again and walked away. I wiped the blood from the corner of my lip and slowly got up. I grabbed my stuff and hobbled over to my house.

When I arrived I made sure Kakashi wasn't there. I dropped my things and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and took out a First Aid Kit. I rummaged through the things and took out some bandages. I lifted myself on top of the countertop and lifted my shirt. I held my shirt up with my teeth and applied the bandage around my waist.

I finished fixing myself up and got of the counter top. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed I had a bruise on my face. I huffed. "Great Sakura, just when I thought you weren't getting any uglier."

I grabbed an ice pack and held it against my face. I then heard a knock on my door. I quickly went to grab a pair of sunglasses and then opened the door. 'Aw great...'

I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here Uzumaki?" He pretended to be hurt. "Well hello to you to. Can I come in?" I glared. "Answer the question." He sighed. "Alright Alright. I'm here to finish up the project." I sighed and motioned him inside.

He walked in and looked around. "Why do you have ice on the couch?" I crossed my arms. "I was hot, is that illegal?" He held up his hands defenselessly. "No." He smirked. "Why were you hot? Were you hot when I came in." I growled. "Are you here to do the project or interrogate me?!"

He chuckled. "Your funny dattebayo." I ignored his comment and grabbed the project. "Alright so we gotta write the essay and we're done."

"Cool now get out." He looked at me. "What? Why?" I folded my arms. "Because I'll finish it up and I'll slap your name on it. Done." I said bluntly.

"But that wouldn't be fair." Well to me it would. I wouldn't get to hear your annoying voice and I can be alone for once!" He looked down. I realized I had hurt him. "I-Im sorry, I d-didnt mean it. I-I.." 'Wait...why am I apologizing... I never do that..'

He got up. "'s cool I get it. I'll just leave." He put his hands in his pocket and headed for the door. I grabbed his arm. "Wait!" He looked at me with hope in his eyes. "You forgot your jacket..." I handed him his jacket. He looked at it and took it looking disappointed again. "Thanks...See ya."

He closed the door and I smacked my cheeks simultaneously. 'Snap yourself out of it Sakura!' A couple hours passed and I still felt guilty. I grabbed my jacket and head out the door.


Naruto's POV

I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt sad she kicked me out. It reminded me of all those villagers who shunned me when I was little.


"Leave you demon. Go back to where you came from!" I looked at all the villagers helplessly. "What did I do?!" A villager threw a can at my head. "Don't get near my shop!" I held my head and ran. Tears stung in my eyes, threatening to fall. I ran deep in the forest and sat at a tree crying.

A girl with daring pink hair walked up to me. "Oi, you Ok?" She extended her hand. "I'm Sakura." She said, giving me a closed eyes smile. I looked up at her taking her hand. "I'm Naruto." She smiled and looked nervous all of a sudden. "Do you wanna hear something crazy?" I looked at her confused. "Sure?" She smiled and a tint of pink filled her cheeks. "Do you want to be my friend?" I looked at her, hope filling my eyes with every word she spoke. She chuckled. "It's silly I know but, you seemed sad so I thought you could use a friend." I smiled at her and I wiped the remaining tears of my face. "I'd love to be your friend!"

She clasped her hands together. "Awesome! Ya know your my first friend to! I've always wanted a friend!" She twirled happily in a black long sleeved shirt with cuts on the side and some bluish pants. She hugged me tightly and I blushed at the contact. "We're gonna best friends forever!"

>>End of Flashback<<

I smiled as I remembered her. I would do anything to meet her again. Them something clicked. 'That girls name's.... It's Saku-'

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I yelled. I ruffled my hair and opened the door. My eyes widened. "Sakura?" She looked up at me shyly. Her cheek were pink from the cold. "Do you wanna hang out?"

Thanks for reading!❤

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