Chapter 9: What Happened To The Girl I Used To Know?

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Naruto's POV

>>Timeskip: Next day<<

'I even thought I liked you..." Those words kept running through my head non-stop. After the whole incident she just flat out ignored me.

I walked to my locker the next day and I heard some girls snickering about something so I leaned in a little closer. Not that I actually cared about what they were talking about, a certain name caught my attention.

"So I went in and striked her with a punch. She never knew what had hit her. I still owe that guy 50 bucks for finishing up the job." I crossed my arms and walked behind Karin. "Mind telling me where he lives?" Karin stood still and laughed nervously. "W-What are you talking about? Hahaha." Oh, uh lets see... how you sent a guy to beat up Sakura."

She rolled her eyes. "Ok look. Why do you care anyways? She deserved it. No one hurts my girls and gets away with it." I glared at her. "Karin, Do you remember our New Years party?" She snorted. "Yeah. What about it?"

"Remember this?" I pulled out my phone and showed her an embarrassing picture at the party. She chuckled trying to hide the embarrassment. "Um....let's walk over here cousin." She dragged me away from her friends. "Delete that!!" I smirked. "Oh I will...just leave Sakura alone and give me the direction of the guys house."

She growled and stomped her foot angrily. "FINE!! Now delete it!!" I held out my hand. "Address first." She rolled her eyes and took out a piece of paper and wrote the address. "Thank you." I gave her my phone and she deleted the picture. "Pleasure doing business with ya." She crossed her arms. "Mhmm...."

Sakura's POV

I walked to my room and layed in my bed. My sides still hurt from the beating I received by Karin and her friends. 'Naruto never liked you...he never goes out with trash like you. I made him play you...Well actually he did that on his own. Did you really think you had a chance with the most coolest guy at school? Hahaha that's hilarious! She really thought Naruto liked her!'

I punched a hole in my wall just thinking about what they did to me. I've been humiliated before but not like this. Trust me...they won't get away with it...

'Then I'll help...I'll lend you my power...I'll make them pay and suffer...'

'No way! I may be mad but I will not let you take advantage of that!'

'AHAHAHAHAHAHA... You amuse me Sakura. I feed off your anger. The angrier you get, the more powerful I get. Face can't win.'

'Argh! Fine! I guess I have no escape from you do I? Well...what do I do?'

'Do as I say...Remember all of those looks you received as a child. Remember how they humiliated you. Remember the pain. The anger you felt, the time your parents were murdered in front of you. Remember all the bad times you've had. Remember it all....'

I closed my eyes and remembered my childhood, the names they called me, the looks I received after doing nothing to deserve them, the humiliation I've been through at school, the murder of my parents. All of it...was part of me.

Red chakra flames consumed my body, intense heat crawling on my skin. I screamed in pain, twitching uncontrollably on the floor. I slowly stretched my hand to grab onto my dresser. I slowly gathered my strength to stand up and looked at the mirror. My eyes widened in horror. My eyes were completely black and red where my pupils were.

I took a shaky breath. "I-I don't want this...Stop this Kurama!!" He snickered.

'There's no going back kid...'

I grabbed my head and fell to the floor once again. Everything was throbbing and coming out at me. My body shut down...

'I can't... Move... This isn't what I wanted....Naruto... Forgive me...'

Naruto's POV

I was doing my homework when Sakura suddenly ran through my mind. Ever since we stopped talking, I could never forget about her. It was weird that she suddenly popped up while I was doing homework.

Since I couldn't concentrate on my homework anymore, I decided to go to her house.

Once I arrived I knocked on her door. I found the door was already opened, but remembering what happened last time I went in without her permission, I just decided to call her. She didn't pick up so I called her a couple more times. After she still didn't answer I grew worried.

I went ahead and opened the door. "Hello? Sakura?" No answer. I heard a noise coming upstairs from her room. I ran up and opened the door. My eyes widened as a redish-black aura surrounded her body. 'S-she's a Jinchuriki?! But how?!'

She was on the floor on her knees, head hanging down and letting her hair cover her face. "S-Sakura?" I said trying to calm down. She slowly stood up, head still hanging down. She walked up to me slowly. The closer she got the farther I backed up.

My back finally hit the wall and she stopped a few feet away from me. She finally raised her head and shot me a devilish grin, baring her fangs. "You've messed with the wrong person, kid."

She laughed demonically and clenched her fists. Before she could strike I dodged and made my way out the window. 'Kid, you gotta stop her!'

'How in the world are there two of you?!'

'Listen! She was captured at a young age and infused with my chakra. I don't know how she survived but she dangerous. That Kurama isn't the one you know. That chakra has been stored in a highly guarded facility. There's no way she could be infused with it! Unless...


"Unless, the Akatsuki took her. Kid, you gotta calm her down. This village could be ruined in minutes. Whatever you do you can't let her out of your sight. If the Akatsuki gets their hands on her...there's no telling what they'll do to her.'

'You gotta help me through this! I can't calm her down on my own!'

'Calm down! I'll guide you, kid! Use my chakra to strike her.'

I calmed down and went into Sage mode. Sakura soon caught up to me. She glared at me and I resisted myself to go hug her. " I know you're in there Sakura! Listen to me! Whatever Karin said was a lie!" For a second she seemed to calm down but it only lasted a second until she glared at me anger filled in her eyes.

The Sakura I once knew....was gone... Hatred filled her heart completely... She's broken...

Sakura lifted her head a small chakra ball was forming. She launched it and I was to busy figuring out how to calm her without hurting her. I didn't think it would do much damage but I was dead wrong, Literally.

Since she couldn't see through the smoke, I made a wind-style rasen-shuriken. Unfortunately she was prepared. She casted another ball of chakra which could overpower my jutsu.

A huge explosion formed. Clouds of smoke spread across the sky. Villagers were evacuating in the secret bunkers. My clothes were tattered and cut. Sakura was lying on the floor barely conscious. I crawled my way to her.

I reached her and I brushed my finger across her cheek. She was panting. I slowly got up but immediately fell back down. A white-haired man appeared rushing towards us. He gave me a smile from under his mask, or what I assumed was a smile. He picked Sakura up and looked at me once again. "I'll go get help. Stay put."

I squinted and looked at the sun. Everything around me started spinning and went black...

'I hope you're Ok, Sakura...'

Thank chu for reading. I made it a lil bit longer because it got interesting XD. Sorry about the fighting scene it was kinda wack. I'm not really good at those. Thank anyways!

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