Chapter 4: Revenge Isn't Always Sweet...

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Naruto's POV

'That girl is really interesting...

'Yeah...She's different from all those other girls'

'So are you gonna rear her in? Let her catch the bait?

'Uh...Nooo....Maaaybee....I dunno! Kurama why are you asking me this?'

'Look this cage isn't fun. I wanna see suffering! '

'But it doesn't wanna see you right now so just leave her out of it.
We have to make it low-key. She really is interesting and after all she never said no. Sooo what can go wrong!'

I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I'm 15 years old and I live by myself. My parents died when I was born annnd that's about all ya need to know. My dad was the 4th Hokage so all his earnings were passed on to me and now Im spending it like a boss. Ha-ha just kidding! Kinda...

Anyways...I got ready for school...ya know the usual stuff. I ate breakfast and stuff and I got in my red Lamborghini. Yes I own a Lamborghini. I picked up a couple of friends and we drove off to school.

I walked in and went to my locker. I saw people crowded around something. I walked over there and shoved passed people.

'Its her! She's fighting again? Man I gotta go help her.'

I walked over to her and pulled her off the girl. Then she rewarded me with and uppercut. I shook the punch of and dragged her away. "Oi! Put me down Shannarooooo!! Let me at her!! I'll show her what Sakura Haruno is really made of!!"

I put her in a closet and locked it. "Oi! What is wrong with you! Who are you?!" I turned on the light. "It's you! You dork! Why did you stop me?! And open the door!!" She stubbornly tried to open the door.

I grabbed her shoulders." Hey listen!" She focused her attention on me but looked the other way. "Why are you fighting again?" She glared at me. "Why do you care?" Because I wanna know. After all you said I can know you better."

"I never said that!" She stomped her foot angrily. "Let me out I don't want to talk to you!" I moved closer to her and wiped some blood from her mouth.

She slapped me and a tint of pink appeared on her cheeks. "OW! That hurt ttebayooo!" That was the idea!!"

I grabbed her wrist. "Tell me about yourself."

"Why do you wanna know know perv! Leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you!" I sighed. "Fine whatever..." I leaned closer to her." But I will find out about you"

She snorted. "Ya right! In your dreams weirdo!" I opened the door and she sprung out.

>>Timeskip: After School<<

Sakura's POV

School was a pain. The worst part was that I got paired up with Naruterd for that retarded project!


"Alright class we'll be doing a project about life after high school." The class booed and groaned. "Yeah yeah I know I know. Also to make it worse I'll be assigning your partners!" Another wave of boos bellowed around the room.

"Kiba with Hinata, Sasuke with Ino, and Sakura with Naruto" I punched the desk. 'Ah great! "

>>End of Flashback<<

I walked to my house and opened my door. I peeked in. "Kakashi? Ya here?" No answer. I walked in and went to my room. I dropped my things and changed my clothes.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and made some mozzarella sticks. I turned plugged my phone into my stereo and played my music.

Get Scared- Stumbling in your footsteps

What went wrong?

We both know that your not here.

I walked back to the kitchen and I looked behind me and saw a shadow walk past. I hid behind the cabinet in the middle of the kitchen.

This is where you haunt and it's kept me in fear for far too long

Now you hide like the ghost, The ghost we both know

I'm the taste in your tongue, the taste you can't spit out

I heard footsteps. 'If I can run to the living room I could go to Kakashi's room and get some weapons'

Please come home again, let me show you we're good enough for your love

I ran to Kakashi's room and quickly got some kunai. I was shaking so I dropped some. The figure came in the room and I threw the kunai at him and missed. 'Dang it Kakashi. You should've practiced with me more.'

What have you done?

When is it ever enough? To be seen in my eyes

I backed up and ran to the bathroom. The man grabbed me by the back of my shirt and lunged me on the floor. I tried to crawl back to the bathroom but he lifted me by my hair and grabbed my neck.

Tell me the truth, what did you have left to lose?

To be seen in my eyes as a fool down on his knees

When the kingdoms lost its kings, who's left to lead?

My feet were dangling in the air as I tried to pry his hands of me. I was reaching for my breath, when he fell on the floor with 3 kunais down his back. I fell and started coughing. I looked up. "Hey you Ok?"

"Why are you here...Uzumaki?"

Torn apart and left here to rot away

Rot away...

Rot away...

Thank you for reading! The song is "Stumbling in your footsteps by Get scared" in case you wanted to check it out!

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