Many Years Later

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The Four Kingdoms lived in harmony for years. It was a prosperous time for them all, and their children made things better.

The Diamonds Princess, Ava, was the oldest by a little less than a year. She was a cute blonde, with beautiful blue eyes.

Princess Olivia and Prince Liam of Spades were twins who looked nothing alike. Olivia had honey colored hair and blue eyes like her father. Liam had curly brown hair and freckles, along with bright green eyes that resembled his mother's perfectly.

Princess Ashlynn of Clubs was the next oldest. She looked just like her mother, with the same blonde hair, blue eyes, and skinny frame.

Princess Charlotte of Hearts was the youngest, and she was always babied by the older princesses. She had ginger locks and a fiery temper, but she was adored by the Kingdom and the other heirs.

Seven years had passed, and the Kingdoms were in peace.

But not for long.

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