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Carter and Taelyn had been crowned in secret, the coronation and wedding only being known by announcement.

Many disapproved when it was discovered that Carter was four years older than Taelyn, but the Queen didn't seem to mind. She loved her handsome husband, and she didn't seem to care that he was older.

After all, fifteen and nineteen seemed a bit odd, but fifty-five and fifty-nine would seem perfectly normal.

The Four Kingdoms met monthly to discuss happenings in their kingdoms as well as any issues with the others. Taelyn was shocked to look around at the new Queens and Kings and see how much they had aged in the last couple of weeks.

Something was off, and she could feel it. She had noticed how Carter kept glancing at Queen Caroline of Spades, and how she was glancing back.

When it came time for her speech, she couldn't help but feel bothered and slightly intimidated by the fellow Queen staring down her husband.

She cleared her throat. "Clubs has been recovering nicely from the shock of my father's actions, although-...Caroline is there a problem?" she snapped.

The brunette's head snapped up and worried green eyes met angry blue ones. All the others' heads turned to look between the frustrated Queen of Clubs and the scared Queen of Spades.

"N-No..." she stammered. "Of course not, very sorry Taelyn...wait a damn second..." Caroline's breath caught in her throat and she stood, kicking back her chair. "Carter Florence Wright you insensitive ass!"

Gazes snapped to Carter, who blinked in confusion before his eyes widened. "C-Caroline...oh my god..."

"Do you two know each other?" King Clifford asked, raising an eyebrow.

Caroline was too busy trying not to cry. She walked around the table, mumbling curses every step of the way before hugging Carter tightly.

"I'm guessing that's a yes," he said irritably. "Caroline, darling, I'd appreciate it if you didn't embrace other men-"

"This is my twin brother," she cut him off. "A no good bastard that I thought was dead!" She hit his shoulder impatiently.

"Hey!" Carter replied. "For the record I thought you were dead too!"

Taelyn had quite had enough. "Alright, fine, he's your long lost brother, now get off!"

Carter gave her a warning glance. "Taelyn, be polite. I haven't seen her in thirteen years."

"Alright I've got to hear this story," Judy called. "Screw the meeting this is much more interesting."

Caroline sighed and walked back to her place next to Cliff. "It happens to be none of your business," she said. She had notably tensed.

"I'll tell them," Carter said. "We were six years old, and we lived back in Clubs. As you know, there was a lot of tension back then, especially along the northern border, where we lived."

He closed his eyes. "And Jokers ran rampant."

Carter and Caroline watched as Elizabeth bounced the small ball from foot to elbow to foot. "Now you try!" she called, tossing the little sack to Caroline.

The girl struggled, and ended up dropping it. She looked sadly at it and then back at Elizabeth, who laughed. "It's okay, you'll get it eventually."

She smiled and picked up the ball, going to throw it again, when a loud scream echoed through the house. Their mother dashed in. "Fire!" she cried. "Downstairs! Get out! Elizabeth, take the twins, hurry!"

The teen nodded and grabbed her little siblings hands. "Come on you two," she said, trying to remain calm. "This is serious."

Elizabeth lead the children downstairs, where the front of the house was already engulfed in flames. "Come on," she said. "The back door should be okay."

She tried to lead them out, but was halted as a flaming rafter fell right in front of them. Carter cried out and clung to Elizabeth's leg tightly.

"Sh, don't be scared," she soothed. "It's going to be alright, I promise."

She stepped over the rafter and picked each twin up, helping them over and trying to keep the flames from licking their shoes or Caroline's flowing skirt.

Carter began to cry as the room grew hotter. "Just a little farther," Elizabeth called.

Just as they were about to leave, the roof crackled above them. Elizabeth picked the twins up and threw them unceremoniously across the threshold, just as a rafter fell on top of her, burying her in burning wood.

Carter cried out and tried to run back in, but Caroline grabbed his arm. "Run!" she cried desperately.

The little brunette ran off, but Carter lagged behind, staying to try to find his Mama and Papa.

As he watched his twin sister disappear, he cried, realizing she'd be dead by morning

He was alone.

Carter opened his eyes as he finished the story, meeting his sister's gaze across the table. Her eyes were filled with tears and she held her knees tightly to her chest.

"Well what a strange turn of events," Eli said. "What now, you turn out to have been best friends with Nathan?"

Carter laughed, but Caroline was silent. "You never found them?" she whispered.

Carter shook his head. "I'm sorry..."

She sighed and stood. "I...I need a break."

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