The Corrupt King

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King Cameron of Clubs had taken power at a time when funds were low, and the economy was going into a recession.

Even his Queen had formerly been a Two, the lowest of ranks. The Kingdom had been a staggering thirty-five percent Twos.

The King had decided that desperate times called for desperate measures, and he cut the spending for his servants. Wage was decreased down to the lowest legal amount, and then some. Renovations on rooms were deemed unnecessary, and servants were fed considerably less.

Over time, the economy improved, and the Kingdom was soon on its way to recovery. At this point, the King was considering restocking servant pay.

However, at that point, his Queen had just had a beautiful daughter. Children of the monarchy should experience luxuries in his mind, and because of this, he held a party instead of paying his servants.

The more he thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that the servants didn't need pay, or rooms, or huge portions of food.

He had children to feed, and a Kingdom to run. He didn't need the servants to be paid.

It was a secret he kept from everyone, including his wife and his children. No one could know, and he didn't let them.

His children worried with lessons, and his Queen worried with the children, and her sewing and music.

But now, someone had discovered. The Kingdom of Hearts had notified him, asking if the rumors were true. People had been speaking out, and the public was unsettled.

There was no other choice but to run. "Come on Cherry," he called to his Queen. "Run with me! We're leaving."

The woman glared. "You pig," she snarled. "You lied to me, and now you expect me to run away with you? I bore your children! I gave you twenty years of my life for this?!"

"Cherry!" He snapped. "Come! Now! Don't be stubborn, you stupid bitch." He grabbed her arm and tried to drag her with him, but she pulled back and slapped him hard.

"Goodbye, Cameron." She snapped.

She dashed away up the stairs. The King considered chasing after her, but figured it was useless. She could burn in hell for all he cared.

Meanwhile, Cherry crept up the green velvet staircase to the room where her children were hiding.

She opened the door, where fifteen year old Taelyn was holding twelve year old Nathan close to her. He clung to her like a lifeline.

"Taelyn," she whispered, running and crouching in front of the small blonde. "I'm sorry. I have to go. Be brave Taelyn, be strong. Marry Carter, and don't let him treat you like anything less than a Queen."

"Mommy," she whispered. "What's happening? Why are you going?"

"Just..." she sighed. "Trust the advisors, they know what they're doing. Trust me sweetheart."

Taelyn wiped her eyes and nodded. "I love you Mommy," she whispered. "I'll miss you."

The Queen took off her heavy green cloak and wrapped it around her daughter's thin shoulders. "Be Queen Taelyn," she whispered. "Be the best damn Queen this Kingdom has ever had."

Taelyn nodded and hugged her brother tighter, watching as her mother ran off into the night.

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