The First Princess

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Benjamin smiles at the small blonde child in his arms. She was beautiful in a way he hadn't expected, and he loved her automatically.

Jay sat next to him, waiting his turn to hold the girl who he already was feeling attached to. She slept so peaceful in Ben's arms, and when she awoke she giggled and smiled.

He carefully took the little girl. "What do we name her?" he asked softly, so as not to wake the sleeping girl.

"Ava," Benjamin said. "I've wanted to name my first little princess that all my life."

Jay smiled, and it wasn't a snarky or doubtful, it was a real smile. This was the first time Benjamin had seen it in a long time, and it was beautiful. "That's perfect," he said. "Ava Meyer."

Benjamin couldn't stop smiling as he looked at his baby girl, at her bright face and already blonde hair.

But as he looked at her, love and happiness flowed together with regret and angst.

He loved this baby girl, but he wished and wished that she wasn't the product of himself and a concubine. He felt terrible for the entire community knowing that their Princess who would inherit the throne was the product of an unknown concubine.

And he felt awful for making Jay care for and love this child that he had no ownership over.

As Ava slept quietly in Jay's arms, Benjamin hoped for them both. He hoped they'd get along, and he hoped they would never face ridicule. He hoped they would grow to love themselves and each other, even if they had no relation.

All he wanted was a bright future for his daughter, his husband, and himself. He wanted no problems, no complications, and no disasters. Just a happy, healthy life for them all.

But unfortunately, wishes and prayers aren't always granted.

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