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Benjamin felt a sense of breathlessness as the bishop picked up his mother's old crown and placed it atop Jay's head.

Even after the Queen had died, King Ned had it polished every day. He was very particular too. The yellow topazes had to shine brighter than the onyx stones, and the gold had to shine brighter than all of it.

The soon-to-be-former King stood in front of Benjamin, head still held high. His green eyes bored into him, criticizing his every move, every breath.

Benjamin resisted the urge to twist his signet ring around his finger, knowing he and Jay were being scrutinized by everyone in the country at this point, as well as the other rulers and their children.

His father had very suddenly decided that he didn't want to be King anymore, and without warning, Benjamin was awoken that morning and put in his ceremonial uniform for his marriage and coronation.

He tensed as the Bishop took his father's crown off of his head and placed it on his. The crown was lighter than he thought it'd be, but it still made him feel as if his neck may break.

His father bowed, only because he was required to, and moved aside.

"I know pronounce you Benjamin and Jay Meyer, King and Queen of Diamonds."

And like that, it was over. The reception seemed to go by so fast, but there were congratulations and toasts and so many gifts from citizens and the other royals.

Benjamin met with the other royals, as they sat at the same table that he and Jay took, although with less comfortable chairs and not anywhere near the center.

"Ben," Jay said quietly halfway through the meal. "Is every day going to be like this? Do we have to wear these fancy clothes and talk to people and look regal?"

Benjamin smiled softly. "Only if you want to."

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