[Zayn’s POV]

The next morning I woke up to an eerie silence. I looked to my side and Niall wasn’t there. Part of me was glad because last night did some wonders on me, but the other part of me was upset because I was getting used to waking up to his warm body beside mine. I slowly got out of my bed and got a shower then dressed myself. The cheek Niall punched still hurt a lot, but for Niall’s sake I had to hide it. I walked into my kitchen, and as I did the phone began to ring.


“Zayn! Quick, I need to in the lab right away, we’ve had two Hybrids break out and I need you here right now!” Dr. Tomlinson panicked into the phone, “They broke out last night and I’ve no idea where they would’ve went.”

“Sure, I’ll be right over. Is Niall there perhaps?”

“No. Why would he be?”

“No reason. He just isn’t here.” I frowned, getting prepared to leave my house and go to the laboratory, “We got in a fight last night and now he’s missing.” I looked down to the ground and began to bite on my fingernails, a nervous habit of mine.

“Well, just get here and we’ll talk about it all.” Dr. Tomlinson said and hung up the phone. I placed the phone on my counter and left through the front door, rushing to the laboratory. Once there, Dr. Tomlinson rushed me to his office and sat me down at his desk. His facial expression was that of extreme panic and it made me more concerned than I already was.

I sat patiently as he tapped his table with his pencil in a nervous manner. He was biting his nails and I could see sweat form on his forehead, “Zayn this is bad. Really bad.”

“Why? What’s going on.”

“The two worst possible Hybrids escaped late last night. The snake mix and the ape mix. They work together as a duo and it’s bad news. Harry Styles, the snake Hybrid is capable of persuading people into doing almost anything and can move around without being heard and is quite flexible. He also has a temper. And the ape Hybrid, Liam Payne is one of our strongest creations. His muscles are stronger than the average human and he has a worse temper than Harry. That’s why we kept them here and weren’t planning on releasing them. Their temper is just too much to deal with. Our plan was to eventually just end them, but they got away.”

I sat there with a stunned look on my face, “I… I uh… Oh…” I couldn’t manage words and closed my mouth to let Dr. Tomlinson speak more,

“The two of them always hated and were jealous of Niall. Another reason why I had you take him home. They were horrible and would pester Niall all day and all night. I’m scared that last night they might have taken him.”

His words rang throughout my mind, creating an echo. I physically felt the colour in my face drain and my blood boiling. Anger spread throughout my body and I slowly stood up, balling my fists, “They took Niall?”


“They took my Niall?” I spat, turning my head to the door, wanting to run and scream at the top of my lungs. Why would they do that? Niall was so innocent and sweet. He was terrified of the real world and they just made it that much more scary for Niall. My anger transformed into worrisome and sadness. I felt tears brim my eyes and my vision slowly grew blurry.

“Yo – Your Niall, Zayn?”

"Yes, Louis. My Niall.”

“Do you love him?”

I slowly calmed myself down and sat back down, “No… Maybe… I’m not entirely sure.” I sighed, prompting my elbows on the desk and pulling at my hair, “I’ve just been so confused lately.”

“Talk to me Zayn.”

“It’s just, last night Niall punched me in the face and it terrified me. I ran to my room and cried myself to sleep after taking a couple hundred puffs of my puffer. Normally I wouldn’t be moving for weeks after pain like that, I truly wouldn’t. But since it’s Niall and I know it’s just an impulse of his, I can easily forgive him. I always want to be around him and I hate how I look into his eyes and can tell that I’m letting him down.”

I rambled for what felt honestly like two seconds. Two seconds because that’s how easy it was for me to point out the things I liked about Niall. Two seconds because it was so simple to think of new things that I loved about him. But in reality, when I looked at the clock on the wall I had gushed on and on about Niall for a solid hour. I stood up in a panic. I was wasting precious time and needed to act fast.

 “Zayn?” Dr. Tomlinson said.


He smiled at me and told me to calm down,  “Sit boy, just sit.” I listened and took a seat once more, “I’m sorry if I worried you. It was unprofessional of me to act like how I did. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“Zayn, settle, we’ll find Niall, and I’ll capture Harry and Liam. Don’t you worry my boy,” I nodded at his words, “You may go now. Search for Niall if you please. I’ll call you once I’m off and I’ll meet up with you.”

“Thank you.” I nodded and walked towards his office door, hesitating at the handle, “Do you think I am?"

“Am what?”

I turned around to face Dr. Tomlinson before leaving. As I spoke I saw the smile on his lips grow and grow,

“Do you think I really am in love with Niall?”

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The fourth chapter WOW. I honestly love writing this story. It's my favourite out of my three. Don't tell the other two though - they'll get jealous. So how are ya'll enjoying this so far? I hope everyone loves this as much as I do because I seriously get so excited when I get to update this story, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! Okay, leave me a precious comment that way I know you love it just like I do!


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