JeanxReader - Dreams

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"Just image! We could leave the Wall, and go see what's out there. We could start a family and a new life. Without the Titans around, we'd be safe and wouldn't have to worry if we were going to be killed or not." (Name)'s eyes were wide in longing and she wasn't looking at anything in particular. Her soft lips were parted and the corners of her mouth would twitch into a small, thoughtful smile.

Jean stared, his chin resting in his hand. He was absolutely ready to do everything as planned with her, and so much more. He wanted to, but there was just too much holding them back. "Yeah, but remember that there are Titans around, and we can't do that."

Her head snapped to him, tears suddenly forming and she blinked. Realizing it, she wiped her eyes and covered her face. "Oh I'm sorry. I was only thinking, of course I know it wont happen."

He smiled, thinking how cute she was. His heart just ached at how he couldn't give her everything and make her happy. He leaned over, kissing her forehead. "I promise, one day, I will make your dreams come true. We can do all those things, and even go find the sea. Let's just get through this, because we will win this war."

(Name)'s eyes brightened and she stood up, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. He held her, biting his lip, wanting to cry. He'd tell her it'd be alright, but he didn't know that for sure. He's already lost so many friends. Yet he had to protect her, and make sure they both got out alive, and live the rest of his life with the woman he loved. To make her happy and give her everything she wants.

"I love you, ______."

She giggled, but he could hear the sadness and feel the violent shaking in her body. "I love you too, Jean."

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