Encountering Them

Start from the beginning

I try to run but my steps are not as swift as regular. My body feels heavy with each passing moment and it feels like I will collapse to the ground any moment now. How those wolves found me, I don't know. I turn slightly to the see the Beta on his feet again and three other wolves already on my trail. I look in the front and dash into a tree I didn't notice. I lose all my strength in the clash. Clutching my head I fall to the ground with a thud. I force my eyes to open and see the Beta and the wolves walking towards my lying form and then everything goes black. Goodbye world.

I wake up with no idea of how much time it has been since I was attacked. My head hurts like hell and my eyelids feel heavy. I force myself into consciousness. My eyes flutter open and I look around. But all I see is black. Pitch black. I try to move and get up but I find my hands tied up on either side of my body. My legs are free and so I wiggle them around, trying to feel something, anything. But I don't have the strength to. Whatever drug that was, it was really strong. It seems like ages after which I hear footsteps at a distance. Suddenly a light flashes and my eyes shut due to the sudden intensity. I blink them open slowly and focus on my surroundings. The place I am held captive in seems like a basement. A large, very large basement. It's entirely empty and colored gray everywhere. There is a staircase on my right side and that confirms my doubts. This is a basement. All the walls are grey and the floor is concrete. Each wall has shackles and hooks at regular intervals. I'm tied to a similar pair of shackles in a sitting position. I am thankful for that. I finally notice the brown shoes of the person standing in front of me. I look up to see him again! The damn Beta. He did all this and he is the reason I'm tied here.

"Why am I here?" I ask, fury lacing my voice.

"Straight to the point rogue? Come on, where is the fun in that?" The Beta taunts.

"Listen. If this is about me crossing your pack boundary then okay. I'm ready to bear the punishment. You can kill me if that's what you want but stop toying with me! It wasn't that big of an offense." I say, my voice firm even though I feel exhausted.

"Oh, no rogue. You are not here to be punished. In fact, you can benefit from us." He smiles but I can see the hidden malice in his perfectly aligned teeth.

Benefit? This is a manipulative game he is playing with me. That is exactly what the Dark Moon does. Torture their prey. They take pleasure in that. Bloody sadists!

"I'm not interested. Just finish whatever business that you have with or let me go."

"I see you are an impatient wolf, so for you, I'll get to the point," Finally!
"Our Alpha was impressed when I told him what an immensely powerful fight you put up that day and that's why he wants you to join our pack."

I resist the urge to laugh at him. Does he really think any sane wolf would join their monster pack? Never. I would never want myself to even be associated with these ruthless beasts.

"Just like I said before- I'm not interested," I say in a bored tone. His eyes darken at my response and I can say he is annoyed.

"You are an elemental and so you shall also have a high rank in the pack. You'll have authority and power. But the only condition is you stay loyal because we don't stand traitors." He pursues and I snort.

Hah. This is what all this is about. His never sated, blood-craving monster Alpha wants to use me to conquer other packs. He wants me because I am an elemental. I should have thought of this. Of course. Why would a pack like Dark Moon want a homeless rogue and that too a she-wolf? I am not going to be the prawn in their ugly battles of conquering and torturing people. Hell no!

"I am never joining this pack no matter what you tell me. You are wasting my time and yours. Just let me go. I have a life outside of here." The Beta chuckles humourlessly.

"What life rogue? Hunting and roaming aimlessly? Think about the offer. Here you will have a purpose and in return, you will also get respect. Your power will be adored and admired. Just join the pack." Okay, now this guy is really getting on my nerve. And I have a name!

"My name is Arabella so stop calling me rogue every time. And as I have mentioned before- no matter what you say, I won't ever join the Dark Moon pack. Hunting and roaming of my free will is a life I prefer over your blood-thirsty pack." I say and the Beta's face hardens.

The persistent Beta does not give up immediately. He tries to reason and then threatens me. When none of his tricks work, he says the one thing I had been dreading ever since I woke up here. 

"Since you aren't giving up, I'll have to call my Alpha, Arabella. I'm sure he can make you change your decision." Saying this he walks away, his shoulders shaking with dark laughter.

Heya everyone! They finally meet in the next chapter so keep waiting. Also, don't forget to vote and comment if you like this story so far:-)

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