How Did it Happen?

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How did he pull me up so high when I was so far down in this pit?

How did he see me so far down there?

How did his heart beat for something so ugly?

How did he fall in love with a beast like me?

How did it happen?

How did this happen?

How did it happen?

He built me up from the ground

Told me he loved through all my fears

Broke down my walls like nothing was there

Totaled my heart filling every last drop

Rained away my shelter of sorrow

Pulled me from the ashes of my faith and hope

Flew me away from the room made of pain

Dressed me in things better than angry rags

Washed away the dirt of my secrets

Killed the demons haunting me

Ripped apart the memories

Wounded the fiend of my dreams

Laid me to sleep in a world of safety

How did he pull and fly away me from the room of pain filled with the ashes of my faith and hope?

How did he dress me in things that aren’t rags of anger?

How did he see the beauty behind the dirt of my secrets?

How did he kill demons and rip apart my horrible memories?

How did he wound a nightmare and lay me to sleep in a world of safety?

How did he love me through all the fear and build me up from the dust of the ground?

How did he pull me up so high when I was so far down in this pit?

How did he see me so far down there?

How did his heart beat for something so ugly?

How did he fall in love with a beast like me?

How did it happen?

How did this happen?

How did it happen?

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