My Hiding Eye

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This is the VERY first poem I ever wrote!


I'm watching through this eye you see.

Yes, I'm watching very closely.

Don't be afraid.

I'm just watching,

Staring through this eye.

This is my way into the world.

And not be afraid.

Because you cannot see me,

Just this eye.

This is my way of hiding,

Hiding from you,

Hiding from anyone

Who may see me.

If I come out

You won't see me

The me who wants to be free

You'll see someone else

Someone you wouldn't want to see

Someone who walk around, but never shows their feelings.

Someone who doesn't speak, but sits in a corner and weeps.

I'm not this person you'll never see.

I'm a person who doesn't know me.

I know myself as well as a stranger walking down a busy street.

I know many people in this world, but they'll never know me.

The person I am on the inside, not the person you'll never see.

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