Chris's Poem

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This one was created specifically for Chris and the title of it can't be changed no matter how much our relationship nor how much he or I change.

My heart is with him as I sleep

My love I send with him before I put on the mask I must wear when I’m not with him.

My eyes watch him as he stares into my eyes

I bite my lip as I think of him

I smile when I’m with him

I fall into rhythm of pure peace

He knows me and

He still loves me

He is there and here

My cheeks burn red when he talks to me

My heart races when he walks with me

My life is filled with this simple harmony

I can’t breathe when he’s about

I can’t think when he’s around

I can’t be with anyone but him

He makes me smile and laugh

He doesn’t talk that much trash

He always tells me not to be so rash

My smile is stuck to my face

My mind races at this dizzifingy pace

My eyes wonder to his face

I hold in my awe as he speaks

I hold in a breath when he touches my cheek

I hold in a thought when he can’t possibly help

He knows I love him with my heart and soul

He knows I feel I owe him

He knows a lot of my life has been just a show

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