The Moment

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The cold air against the bare skin on the back of my neck

The night sky against my pale skin and eyes

Once upon a time I wouldn’t have noticed the air fill my lungs

Once, I wouldn’t have smiled as I sucked in a breath

I still don’t know what memory I have left as the world spins under me

I stare at the sky so dark compared to me and my appearance

I stare at the stars and wonder why they are so far away from us

I watch my hair move slightly in the wind

I watch my shadow as I reach my arm up my body and above my head

I wish to be anyone else

I wish to be somewhere else

I laugh at the feeling of moving my hair away from the back of my neck

I laugh at the way the scratchy sob escapes my throat

I let go of my thoughts and feelings as the world slows to only this moment

The moment I relive all the times

The moment I live like the wind and stop worrying about the dead end I’m running in

The moment I’m not anyone or anywhere

The moment only the stars, moonlight, and me exists

The moment that everything else disappears

The moment my life is nothing except the wind on and the paleness of my skin

I’m alive

I’m okay

And I’m me

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