Letter of Resignation

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-Letter of Resignation-

Each cut means something to me, but quitting will mean more. Let go of the anger and guilt. Today begins a new day and a new chapter to my life. A quest to prove to myself I do not need the sting of pain to live. I'm not that Much of a masochist that I know I need to carry this heavy weight on my shoulders. I do t need to carry it alone. Friends and family have my back and will support my choice to better my life. This is my challenge to any cutter or emo or anyone who needs to better their life. Do you have faith in someone to help you carry this heavy burden? If not are you sure you are surrounded by people who really care about you? It's not about you wanting to show your pain this is about the chance to get out of your hole, or box, or cage-mine may have been a cardboard box but even I had a Hell of a time getting out. Don't let the cage or box or hole keep you locked up because you are better than it and you have been warned against it.

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