Blood of the Enforcer

Start from the beginning

“Give us the wolves and we won’t have to hurt you,” A dark tan skinned man with short brown hair replied.

“How do you know I won’t hurt you?” The green eyed girl challenged.

“Look little…”

“You want Nancy and Teresa you’ll have to go through me.”

“Fine!” A woman with choppy short hair said and attacked. It was a mistake. Tori jumped up and kicked her so hard she went flying over a closely parked black Tahoe. Instantly, two more wolves attacked her.

Tori gave no thought of safety to her-self at all. The only thing that mattered was protecting Teresa and her mother. Warner had kept his daughter out of view and hidden for the most part from the pack. However he had done the one thing no one would have expected. He’d trained Tori like he would any new enforcer. Tori knew how to fight; how to fight against bad odds, and win.

Salazar’s men kept coming but Tori never stopped fighting. She felt an energy flow through her she had never felt before.A couple of wolves finally managed to grab opposite arms.

“Girl you’re going to regret messing with us!” The dark tanned wolf said angrily. He went to hit her but she kicked him between the legs and he bent over in pain. A moment later he stood up and backhanded her hard enough the wolves lost their grip and she fell to the ground and hit her head.

The last thing Tori heard was a screech of tires. She hoped it was Nancy getting Teresa and her out of harm’s way.


Warner saw his daughter hit the ground and jumped out of the vehicle. The enforcer took out four wolves in no time flat; killing the wolf that had dared to strike his daughter. One wolf got away but the others were killed.

“Tori!” River said quickly going to his fallen bride. Gently he turned her over. A bruise was already forming where she’d been struck. Her face had a few minor scrapes and there was a little blood on the side of her head from hitting the ground.

“Is she okay?” Nancy asked concerned.

“Auntie Tori!” Teresa screamed and went running to her. The group watched as the child clung to the unconscious woman.

“She saved us,” Nancy said looking at Trevor. “Tori saved us.”


River paced the living room waiting for news on Tori. The woman was still unconscious. Furry raced through him that Salazar’s men had hurt her. His only consolation was Warner had killed the wolf that had actually hurt his bride.

Warner would have gotten on to him for pacing but he was pacing himself. Nancy was sitting on the couch with Trevor’s right arm draped around her. Teresa was in his lap and refused to leave until she knew Aunt Tori was okay.

“Where is she?” Warner cringed hearing his wife’s voice. Karen was mad enough at him that their daughter had been betrothed. Now that she’d been attacked he had no doubt he’d be blamed Karen would be even angrier with him.

Karen entered the room and there was no hiding her fear or concern for the girl. “Where’s Tori?”

“The doctor is still with her,” Warner said trying to be calm.

“I didn’t ask you!” Karen snapped at her husband. Warner had expected the woman to be mad but not be quite as angry toward him in front of others. He’d expected her to let him have it when they were alone. “You’re the reason she’s hurt!”

“No Karen, I am,” Nancy told her. “She saved Teresa and me.”

“That is Warner’s fault not yours,” Karen insisted. “You should...”

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