248th-254th questions

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Sent* (I'm always gonna correct spelling errors, just get used to it) have you ever tried french fries? if not, you should.


No I have not. Please stop correcting me it's getting on my nerves. 


king loki can you get youtube on ur computer ? and if so can you show thor the music video concrete angel by martina mc bride? it is a song about child abuse i would like him to know how bad of a protector he really is. i my self was abused as a kid and i was one of the lucky kids most kids who go through that are killed by thier parents .


I probably can get this youtube........ there we go, I'll show it to him......

(Thor- I had no idea about this madness! Why do mortals do this? Its their own children? I must stop this)

Its really nothing new Thor. 

(Thor- what do you mean?)

You've seen it happen before, you chose to turn a blind eye. Just because father loved you, you refused to see his true colours.

(THor- What?!)

Wonder why I barely left my room. 

Imagine the good I could have done if I were ruler of Midgard. I would have stopped it. There's nothing Thor can do. He wouldnt know how to. 

(Thor- I'll do my best to stop it thats a promise)


my king i have some inforamation you and your oaf of a brother might find some interest in . it is that 903,000 children are victms of child abuse in 1 year and in the usa alone 1,460 of those children died due to that abuse . oh and the ages of the children range from infancy all the way to teens .


When i rule Midgard, I swear to all you mortals I will change this. 

(Thor- the numbers are that high!? I shall fix this!)



Author's note.

If you havn't seen that youtube video, you should. It's sad but its true. 

Please watch it. If you notice anyone in this situation, be supportive and tell somebody who can help. 

Ask Loki, The God of MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now