24 - Ethan

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"I've never felt so sore," Char mumbled.  She streched her hands to her feet as she sat on one of the log-benches.

"I've never felt so productive," Ethan replied.  He was checking all of his weapons to make sure they worked before he turned them in to Rina.  "We have all this stuff, no casulaties on our side, and barely two-dozen deaths to the Lii."

"But still, that hike up, plus all the running around the storage facility, then the hike back to camp has caused me fatigue that will not leave me as long as I live."

Ethan chuckled.  "I'm sure you'll be fine after a few days of non-vigorous activity and a massage."

"And who will be giving me this massage?" Char asked, eyeborw rasied playfully.

"Gregory's a massagenist," Ethan teased.

Char wrinkled her nose.  "I'm good."

"You're so cute when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Wrinkle up your nose."

Char wrinkled her nose and waggled her head.

"We'll now you just look ridiculus!" he exclaimed.

"That's the point," she laughed.

Ethan smiled as he turned back to the weapons.  He was so lucky to have a bueauiful, funny, caring girl to spend his days on an alien planet with.  Things were so much better when she was around.  He didn't have to worry as much, or get angry at people, because just seeing her made him happy.

"Children, children, gather 'round!" RJ shouted as he walked past them.  "Move yourselves to the campfire.  Banner has some shit that he thinks you need to know.  Come one, come all, or Rina will drag you by your earlobes!"

"I swear, that boy is messed up," Chartreuse muttered.

"At least he's funny," Ethan replied as he set down the knife he was examining and waited for Char to catch up.

"When he's not being a jerk," she replied.

"You have a point there," Ethan admitted.  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a quick kiss, relishing its sweetness.  He pulled away.  "Let's see what's going on."

Char grabbed his hand as they walked towards the campfire.  "Did you ever make up with Kenna?" she asked.

"Actually," Ethan said, "that's an interesting story.  I'll tell you about it later.

"Gather 'round, gather 'round!" RJ was still yelling.  He stood with arms beckoning them forward. 

"Thank you, Rudolph," Banner said with a hand over his face.

"No problem, bro," he replied and slapped the other man on the shoulder.  Banner shook his head as if to say he thought RJ would never grow up.

Banner took his spot behind the dead campfire and waited for silence.  "As you know, the raid on the storage building was successful, even though Ro, Laura, and her child could not be saved.  Ethan and Kenna had reported about their rescue mission and their results led us to believe that the prisoners have been brainwashed by the Lii.  That means that if you meet them, do not treat them as your friend.

"Although the situation of our former teammates is a depressing, I gladly announce that nearly all of our new weapons have been checked and turned in.  The Muyl informed us that they need to be charged in order to be used.  Luckily, the Lii keep them ready to go in case of a worldwide panic.  Unluckily, we cannot recharge them since the power is very expensive and comes exclusively from a ginormous planet called Klosh on the other end of this Sector.  I will only say this once: use your weapons' power without needing to, and they will be withheld from you indefinitely.  These supplies need to last us our whole journey, and, as Rudolph puts it, 'assholery' will not be tolerated.  Once all weapons are in, they will be distributed evenly.  Then, we will all be trained in basic combat by Rina," —a gesture to her— "technology usage by Rudolph," —small glance to him— "and given a code of conduct for how we shall treat this mission by me."

Banner stepped away from the campfire and offered his spot to Rina.  She came forward and stood with her hands behind her back and her feet slightly apart.  "Good afternoon," she said in an official voice.  "I will go over with you the plans we have made thus far.  First, as Banner said, you will be given your weapons.  Then, you will be trained in combat, technology, and code of conduct.  The Muyl will share with us secrets about this planet along with basic things we must know.  All of us, excluding the Muyl, have the authorization to remove your weapons and your stay here with the Revenge.  After this is done, we will walk to a nearby village and take necessary DNA."

"Does that mean we're killing more people?" Gregory asked somewhat excitedly.

"Yes," Rina replied.  "Let me explain to you how this will work.  We go to the village and remove all Lii life.  Doc and a few others that will be assigned to him extract the DNA, and the rest will gather anything we think is necessary—food, blankets, clothing, tools.... Only weapons that are of the same quality as the ones we removed from the storage building will be taken.  Then, we will store the DNA in a secure location in the forest that will be guarded by the Muyl, and move on to the next village.  Each of you are allowed to bring one backpack on this trip.  Everything from your clothes to your rations must fit inside.  Nothing but weapons may be carried outside of it."

Rina stepped away from the campfire.  RJ walked forward and cleared his throat.  "So I get to do to the recap and goodbyes because my partners are assholes.  We're gonna leave to kill people in a week or so, not really sure yet, blah blah, depends on how quick you learn your shit.  Pack wisely, eat your greens but don't eat the Muyl, listen to your parents, see you around, class dismissed."  RJ loped to the other leaders with a lazy smile on his face.

"You're right," Char whispered, "he's so funny."

"Be quiet, you," Ethan replied.

Chartreuse grew serious.  "How many people will we have to kill, do you think?"

"Probably all of them," Ethan replied.

"No, I mean in total."

Ethan thought.  "I don't know."

"It seems there's a lot we don't know," Chartreuse replied glumly.

Ethan didn't answer; he didn't want to think about it.  "Come on," he said and grabbed her hand, "let's go swimming at the waterfall.  You always like that, don't you?"

Char allowed herself a little smile.  "We can't.  You haven't checked in your weapons yet."


"Come on, I'll help you," Char said.

Ethan kissed her forehead.  "I'm so lucky to have you."

"Oh, aren't you just?" she laughed.

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