21 - Kenna

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"I want to kill them both," Kenna snarled.

Brook patted her shoulder.  "That wouldn't be wise."

Kenna crossed her arms.  "Why not?"

"Because you like Ethan."

"Brook, I think I love that boy more than logic can tell."  She watched Ethan kiss Chartreuse and frowned distastefully.  "But right now, killing him seems like such a good idea."

"You had your chance, you know," Brook continued.  "Back at the Lab, he hardly knew Char."

"Don't call her that!"

"Chartreuse.  You knew him best."

Kenna sighed.  "I know.  I just didn't like him as much then. I don't know what I do to make him so mad."

"He thinks your shallow."

"No shit."

Brook breathed out her nose.  "I'm really bad at being an understanding and kind friend, so I'm just going to tell you straight out: you need to do something good if you want him to like you."

"But I do everything that's asked of me!"  Kenna threw up her hands.  "Shouldn't that be enough?"

"You do only what's asked of you on the chore tree and put in minimal effort."

Kenna stuck out her lip.

"I have an idea," Brook said and snapped her fingers.  "Let him follow you when you visit Kledao."

"No way!" Kenna exclaimed.  "That alien can hardly keep my visits a secret."

"Nothing else will work as well," Brook said.  "And even then I can't guarantee that he'll drop Char—Chartreuse.  I think they really like each other."

"Not after this," Kenna said determinedly as she put on her cowboy hat.  Then, she heard a loud commotion from the center of camp and turned around.

If this is another goddamn chore protest, I will beat someone upside the head.

"You should hold off on Kledao," Brook said.

"Yep," Kenna replied and jogged towards the sound.

"What's going on?" Brook asked Gregory as they entered the mass of people.

"Martha Jane and Luther are back," he replied as he played with a knife.  He laughed. "Supposedly they killed a guy and stuffed him in a wall."

"Where are they?" Kenna asked.  She glanced near the campfire but couldn't see them or the leaders.

"Talking to Banner, Rina, and RJ," Gregory replied.

After milling about for half an hour, and still not getting any news, most of the campers began to walk away.  Kenna sighed distastefully at her fellow campers; this was a massive waste of time.

"I'm just going to go for it," Kenna muttered to Brook.  She adjusted her backpack, then walked forward and barreled right into Chartreuse.

"Kenna," Ethan growled.

She absentmindedly patted the tiny girl on the arm.  "Sorry," she murmured.  Kenna turned around and walked hastily towards the edge of camp.  Instead of sneaking around like usual, she made a B-line for Kledao's tree.

The aliens face lit up when he saw her.

"Kenna!  Hello!"

"Hi, Kledao," she replied.

"You good?"

"I am.  How are you?"

"Head hurt."

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