20 - Martha Jane

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"That's it?" Luther whispered.

Martha Jane glanced out at the tall building from their hiding place behind a bush.

"Yeah, that's it."

Luther breathed out through his nose.  "Okay, let's do this."

Martha Jane darted out from behind the bush and creeped silently through the tall grass.  Her sneakers hung around her shoulders and her bare feet gripped the warm ground.  She breathed in deeply and tasted the nighttime air.  When she reached the point where the grass disappeared and the dirt circle started, she waved her hand and gestured for Luther to come forward.  Then, she shot forward and hid behind a Goroea Tower.  Luther followed.

"I have to get higher up," Martha Jane said.  "The Draue mist is making it too hard to see."

Luther nodded.  "I'll call to you if anyone comes near."

Martha gripped the rungs of a ladder bolted to the Tower.  She quickly scurried up the side and looked out at the tall building.  Her eyes, while nearly perfect, couldn't see the detail in the facility.  She took a pair of glasses from her back pocket and slid them on.  Martha Jane had found the glasses during their stay in the Lab, and decided to keep them.

Even though everything by the corner of her eyes was stretched now, she was able to see the building ahead of her much better.  Martha Jane scoped out the building, looking for an entrance.  A door was tucked in a corner, it's guard leaning against the wall as if sleeping.  If they wanted to get into the building, it was through there.  She climbed back down the Tower.

"The workers haven't left the Goroea," Luther told her.

"Good."  She told him about the door.  "What exactly do you need to see in there?"

"Weapons the guards are using, floor plans, security systems," Luther said.  "We need to pay special attention to where Ro and Laura are being kept."

"Okay," Martha Jane replied.  She tied her dark hair into a bun and began to creep out from behind the Tower.

When she and Luther were only a hundred feet from the facility, they ducked behind a machine that vaguely reminded Martha Jane of a car.  Martha Jane reached in her pocket and pulled out an uprooted sprout.  Luther did the same.  Together, they tore them in half and waited for the Muyl.

|He-o.  Ho- c-ose -ou?|

Martha Jane and Luther looked at each other.

"Hello?" Luther tried.

|-u-her Dra- is in-ering w- my tel-p-hy.|

Martha Jane felt the suffocating sensation of the Muyl strengthen.

|My telepathy is weakened by the Draue| came its quiet voice.  |This is unexpected.|

"Unexpected?" Luther hissed.

|I've never spoken to someone in the Draue.  This predicament could not have been foreseen.|

"What are we going to do?" Martha Jane asked.

|I shall have to tell you where to go, and you shall have to memorize it.  Once you are inside, there will be no hope of you hearing me.|

"I can't memorize things if I can't see them," Luther explained.

"I can," Martha Jane said.

|Then listen closely.|  The Muyl filled her in on where to go and how to get there, then it said a quick goodbye, and its presence lifted.

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