Chapter 14 where'd ya go?

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Chapter 14
Where'd ya go?


PICTURE to the right (or top) ------> it's you in 100 years!

This chapter is dedicated to something, I guess.


         The time spent with Colton's father seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Birds sang morning calls right before the sun's first light, letting us know we'd spent the whole night talking. We'd spent hours discussing ways to introduce ourselves to Colton's stepmom without all hell breaking loose, ultimately coming up with only one solution.

         It was fascinating seeing Colton interacting with his family in this way. Around both his father and sister, he felt much more relaxed and open. He'd joke with them both and fall into playful banter easily. A more at-ease version of himself. And being around his dad is what triggered this peaceful Colton. Alaric, Al, as he asked me to call him, is very laid back and open-minded. The smile on his aged visage never faltered. While he had a certain chilled air about him, there was a warmth behind everything he said, making it easy to feel comfortable around the man. And while powerful, the man didn't let his position get to him. He certainly didn't think so highly of himself to allow that, and you could tell by how he interacted with his children. Their smiles were unwavering in his presence. But discussing our meeting with Colton's stepmother wasn't his only purpose for his audience with us.

         One curveball Al threw at us was the party Morgana had planned to announce our arrival. She also intends to announce him succeeding the family name at this party. Both bits of news had wiped Colton's smile from his face.

         After a few choice heated words and a moment to calm down, we put our heads together to plan. Al explained there was only a little we could do until the party aside from laying low. He intends to keep his wife distracted with the preparations in the meantime. Colton was tasked with keeping us out of sight while Odilia handled party invites and our attire for the event. And about actually meeting Colton's stepmom? Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

         The plan is half-baked at best, but it's all we've got, and we're running with it. With the night ending and birds alerting us to morning's arrival, combined with mine and Ryan's yawning, Colton's family promptly bid farewell for the night. Odilia takes Ryan with her as she leaves.

         We were left alone.

         Judging by the thoughtful expression on Nic's face when we're crawling into bed to sleep, tells me he's still skeptical like I am. "Col, are you sure about all this?" He voices his concerns, his arms wrapping around my stomach and pulling my back to his chest, bunching the blankets between us.

         Colton crawls between the sheets beside us, propping his head on his wrist and elbow to smirk at us. "Of course. She's put me through hell, so having her meet you two at the party and shatter her delusions will be satisfying. And besides, I'll be attending her ridiculous party, so, technically, I'm not defying her. She'll rage, but that's to be expected." His smirk is smug, a darkness behind it I'd never seen from him before. It sends a chill down my spine, not necessarily a bad one, but I'm not sure a good one either. His hand brushes past my skin to caress Nic's cheek before trailing to ruffle his fluffy hair.

         Nic leans into his touch but grumbles nonetheless, "That's what I mean. Are you sure we should be infuriating her? Shouldn't we maybe go about it in a... I don't know. Isn't there a more subtle way? Like, before the party?" His eyes bore curiously into Colton's, seeking understanding.

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