Chapter 15 parties are fun

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Chapter 15
Parties are fun


PICTURE to the right (or top) ------> nothing

The chapter is dedicated to life

A large portion of this chapter has been cut and replaced into chapter 14, so once again, please ignore any discrepancies you might come across. 



We return to Colton's home in silence, only me and Ryan changing seats so I can sit next to Nic in the back this time. We're greeted by Odilia who helps us travel to Colton's room secretly and she takes Ryan with her to try on the new dress she's working on for her.

Nic sits on the bed and beckons for us to come and join him. I go and lay on the bed with him, my arms around him and my head on his chest. Colton's hand softly touches my cheek before he kisses me lightly. "You're not scared of me, are you?" He asks me lowly. His voice almost shaking.

"Of course not, how could I?" I answer him truthfully. He seems to relax slightly at this.

He goes to kiss me again before a knock on the door interrupts us, "sir, your father would like to talk to you." A maid says opening the door and making Colton sigh.

He stands, "ok thank you, tell him I'll be there in a minute." The maid nods before leaving. He looks back at us, "I'll be back soon." He tells us, kissing my cheek and Nic's forehead before leaving.

We watch him leave before Nic gets my attention, "don't be scared of him." He tells me while I turn in his arms to face him. I go to oppose him but he stops me, "you are. And you shouldn't be. I can understand why, he's a scary guy just from his appearance but when you take a step back and look at what he is. It can be scary. But he's different. Here I'll give you a little bit of history on vampire, if that's ok." I nod and he smiles, "alright well. To put it simply vampires are a German demon who were first imaged long after the actual race was created. There's a term they use here to call vampires but I don't remember it and it's in German but it means blood sucker and were thought to be those who committed suicide that came back from the grave to fed on the family and villagers for their blood. Of course I'm sure you know the most of this." He tells me.

"Yeah I'm sure I've heard something like that. Considering how popular vampires have become in media due to sex appeal. It's actually really weird. But please continue." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Well vampires have three phases that are gained from age. Young vampires are the most basic and well violent. But they're also the weakest. Their eyes don't even change when they feed and their fangs are dull. And then when a vampire gets older they gain strength and patience. As well as their eyes change to the red you see in Colton's and their fangs become incredibly sharp. But it doesn't end there. Colton actually falls into this last category but he would never ever show it to us. The oldest vampires are the strongest, wisest, most complex. But they're the most horrifying. Their eyes turn black and they have two sets of fangs and sharp claws. Even though Colton possesses this power he never uses it. I mean unless he was going to kill someone or something but I highly doubt he would do that. He hates being a vampire." He says and my eyes widen.

"He doesn't like being a vampire?"

He shakes his head, "he once told me he's wanted to be a human for far more than a hundred years." He tells me and I sigh, suddenly feeling awful for him. The fact he has lived so long wanting to be human but unable to be is so sad. "So... Knowing all this are you still scared of him?" I shake my head.

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