Dreaming Alone: Chapter Twenty-four

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Students came bursting out of the building as soon as the bell rang and I furrowed my brows a bit as I watched some of them form into groups and others go ahead and walk home.

Luke and I sat by the park in front of our old school, just watching the students. I don't even know why he thought of hanging out and looking at our old school but it somehow brought some of my good memories back.

"Come on!" his voice jerked my attention to him and I found myself raising a brow at him.

"What now?"

"We're gonna go inside the school" he beamed.

Slumping my shoulders, I groaned. "Are you for real? Why would we do that? We don't even go there anymore."

"You're such a killjoy, Alex" he said and pulled me by the wrist.

My eyes lingered for a bit at his hand on my wrist. Some sort of sensation started to course through my veins as I felt the warmth of his palm against my skin which alerted all sorts of alarms within me.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and snatched my arm back from his hand.

We both walked towards the gates and I wondered why the guards didn't even bother stopping us as we walked in. they're no longer the old guards we used to know, probably because it's been years since we've been here.

Luke and I walked side-by-side through the halls and some of the uniformed student gave us curious looks as we passed them by. Luke nudged my arm and pointed towards my old locker and I smiled sheepishly.

"Remember the notes?" he asked and my mind wandered back to those days when I used to wonder who slipped those silly yet sweet little notes inside and I shook my head.

"Who wouldn't remember your cheesy moves?" I smirked and he laughed.

"You have to admit, you liked it a lot. I remember you gushing all about it on our way home."

I nodded and blushed at the thought-not knowing that it would be this embarrassing more than seven years after.

We just walked around and I smiled inwardly at how my feet didn't even have problems taking me around as if today was yesterday. Luke wiggled his eyebrows when he stopped in front of a classroom and leaned against the doorframe. His blue eyes twinkled and I rolled my eyes at him before following him inside as he waltz in.

I looked around and squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again and took it all in.

"It's no longer the same as it was during our time but it still has its familiarity" he said as he looked around.

He's sitting at his old seat and I stood there as I watched him sit comfortably. Luke raised his brows at me when our eyes met and he scratched his ear.

"What are you waiting for? Come on, sit down" he patted on the chair beside him. "Let's have some throwback-ish moment."

I sputtered and rolled my eyes at him before walking to my old seat.

"Have you been here before today?" I asked.

"Yeah" he nodded. "I passed by a week ago and I took a stroll around. I asked some janitors if they'd allow me to bring a fellow alumnus along and they said they think its fine as long as it's after school hours."

"Hmm..." I looked to my left and remembered how Wil would sit quietly and stare outside the window during History class.

"Don't worry, he'll call" Luke said and I looked at him. "It would kill him not to call-trust me, I know."

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